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Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/08/2013
On the Monday, April 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the intensifying effort by the feds to stigmatize and label patriot groups and Christians as dangerous extremists. He also takes a look at the latest moves by the gun-grabbers as the ATF builds a massive database to spy on law-abiding Americans practicing their right to own firearms. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with renowned author and former Department of State official Steve Pieczenik. He also welcomes former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongion, who is running for the Maryland Senate. Austin political activist Antonio Buehler appears in-studio today. Antonio was arrested in early 2012 for protesting against police abuse and again later in the year for “cop watching” in Austin, Texas. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/04/2013
On the Thursday, April 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Mike Adams guest hosts and Alex rides shotgun. Mike covers the escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States as the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, threatens to nuke the U.S. Mike also runs down the latest on efforts by Obama and the Democrats in Congress to hamper the Second Amendment. On today's show, Mike talks with Troy Smith and Rob Nash in-studio. Smith is the owner of Brite Ideas in Austin, Texas, and Nash is the founder of Mike's guests will talk about aquaponics, a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture with hydroponics. Dane Wigington will break down the latest on geoengineering, weather control, chemtrails and related topics. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2013
On the Wednesday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex scrutinizes the creeping collapse of world economies happening by design as the media openly announces global banker governance. He'll also break down the outrageous assaults on the Second Amendment, and the various distractions geared to keep the public in dazed pacification. On today's show, Alex welcomes honorably discharged disabled U.S. Navy veteran David A. Schmecker. Mr. Schmecker recently had his guns confiscated by police following a forced “psychiatric evaluation,” illustrating the acceleration of the demonization campaign against returning veterans and law-abiding gun owners nationwide. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 10/17/2012
This man doesn't think FEMA camps are a big deal… but blames Alex Jones for them. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 10/17/2012
handing out the October 2012 InfoWars magazine -- glossy paper edition --- at the Austin City Limits (ACL) Festival - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/26/2012
On this September 26, 2012 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Ortiz speaks with Libertarian Tom Woods. News Covered: You Know You Are A Conspiracy Theorist If New National Anti-TSA Campa - Watch now