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Nightly News
Date: 05/13/2014
On The May 12, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: 1776 Worldwide: The Second Amendment Comes to Mexico. DHS Emails Reveal U.S. May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List. Webhost Protests FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal By Limiting FCC Access To 28.8Kbps. Killing the Internet: A Blizzard of New Taxes in the Wings. $474M for 4 failed Obamacare exchanges (POLITICO) Chicopee woman faces wiretapping charges after allegedly recording her own arrest. Danish Police Confirm Marriott Hotel Site of Bilderberg 2014. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/04/2013
What you missed during incessant coverage of the boston bombing: CISPA, HR 684 aka “The Marketplace Fairness Act,” and a questionable Executive Order. So don't close your eyes because they are counting on you not looking. 1. CISPA has been called the Patriot Act of the internet…here's some of the verbiage of CISPA also known as HR 624…….take a look at the agencies involved with this NASA NSA DARPA NOAA DHS 2. we have main stream media news accounts getting hacked -- AP . 60 Min - 48 hrs all claimed to be the victims of hacks. Look for any other big hacks a happening in the news 3. Market Place Fairness ACT is set to force business owners to pay sales tax for web sales to every state they ship to. 4. Why did Obama sign an executive order to create an presidential commission on election administration. - Watch now