Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 02/03/2016
On this Monday, February 2nd edition of the Infowars Nightly News, the Carson campaign accuses Cruz of playing a dirty trick. Then, you will be shocked of what a school forced a child to do. And, college kids feel the Bern. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/02/2016
On this Tuesday, February 2nd edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, why the results don't matter as much as the mainstream media claims and how they were likely rigged anyway. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reveals more about the caucus and what they may not be telling you about Marco Rubio. Also, we look into Obama's latest gun grab and Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman explains what the White House is up to next. Tune in! - Watch now