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Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/19/2017
Wednesday, April 19, 2017: O'Reilly Out At Fox - Iran recently showed a display of power by showcasing new anti-aircraft missiles at an annual Army Day parade. Roger Stone and Paul Joseph Watson will be in studio to break down the French presidential election, radical Islam and more. Also, sources say Fox News has decided to get rid of Bill O'Reilly. We'll take your calls on this worldwide transmission. Tune in! - Watch now
Wednesday: The Infowars Nightly News. HIllary Bores Audiences While Trump Knocks It Out Of The Park.
Nightly News
Date: 08/25/2016
On this Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, MSM Attacks Trump's Health But Ignores Clinton’s.Its a "conspiracy theory" to question Clinton's health but questioning Trump is fair game. And State Trooper Shoots Deaf Man. A minor traffic stop turned deadly when a deaf man couldn't communicate with an officer. And then US Gifts Iran 1.3 Billion Lump Sum As They Shout Death to America. Obama’s administration announced today it delivered a 1.3 billion dollar pay out to Iran, resolving a dispute over an undelivered military sale in 1979. Obama has maintained the payment was not a ransom for 4 hostages Iran held, although their release coincided with the first 400 million dollar payment given to Iran in January. The 1.3 billion reflects an interest payment. In Baltimore, information was release that the city has used aerial surveillance on it’s citizens, paid for by private entrepreneur John Arnold. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/20/2016
On this Friday, August 19th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, State Department Grilled Over $400M Iran Lie In a remarkable exchange with the press corps, a State Department spokesman was berated and questioned for half an hour over blatantly obvious lies and deception concerning the Obama administration’s $400 million payment to Iran. Clinton Rape Accusers Unite Against MSM While the MSM harps on Trump making fun of Rosie O'Donnell, there is a concentrated assault against those who accuse Bill Clinton of rape. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/09/2015
On this Tuesday September 8, 2015, edition of the Nightly News, are migrants terrorists in disguise? Months ago the Italian news reported on transcripts of telephone intercepts claiming to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a 'psychological weapon' against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya. Actress Reveals Stunning Success of Advanced Liver Cleanse. Actress and Singer Emmy Robbin took the Infowars Life challenge and now shares her success story of weight loss and transformation. The 6 Day Advanced Liver Cleanse Pack is a comprehensive approach to cleansing your liver and rejuvenating your system. Consult Your Physician. AGENDA 21: L.A. To Replace Car Lanes With Slow Public Transportation. This city of fast cars and endless freeways is preparing to do what not long ago would have been unthinkable: sacrificing car lanes to make way for bikes and buses.Warmonger Dick Cheney says Iran Will Nuke America In a speech Tuesday at the American Enterprise Institute former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney argued Iran is preparing to launch a nuclear attack on the United States.But is this just another Weapons of Mass Destruction Whopper? In 2012 the White House, the Pentagon, U.S. intelligence, Israeli intelligence, leaders of the Israeli military, and the International Atomic Energy Agency all agreed Iran does not have a nuclear weapon, it was not building a nuclear weapon, and had not decided if would build a nuclear weapon in the future. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/05/2015
On tonights Friday, September 4th edition of the Infowars Nightly News, While the Obama administration promises "Peace in the Middle East" with the Iran nuclear deal, they are also bolstering the region with weapons. The reality is, the migrant crisis is the canary in the coal mine and the globalists are preparing for war. Will Iran deal mean the US would have to defend it against an attack from Israel? Arms deal for Saudi Arabia to deal with Iran---You get weapons, you get weapons you get weapons! Migrant crisis: Hungary migrants start walk to border. How five wealthiest gulf nations have refused to take in a single refugee. If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will? A New Justice Department Rule Will Make It Harder for the Feds to Monitor Phones. Alas a loophole means state and local law enforcement can still spy on you. Then, a shocking video shows the moment deputies appear to kill a man in the lobby of the Dallas County Jail. The end of the Shemitah cycle is fast approaching, and many are worried about an impending collapse, particularly considering we have already seen unprecedented stock market decline. - - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/07/2015
We cover the continuing attack on religion by the left as the singer Rihanna makes obscene remarks about Indiana’s religious freedom law. Other topics covered on the Tuesday, April 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show include the truth about ISIS the establishment media refuses to cover, the effort to link the terror army to the dead Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the return of the racist knock-out game, efforts to slander Rand Paul as he prepares to announce his presidential candidacy, and the ongoing attempt by Facebook to silence critics of the government and Obama. Jerome Corsi talks with us today. Mr. Corsi is the author of numerous books, including The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command. His latest book, Who Really Killed Kennedy? is available at the Infowars Store. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2015
On this Friday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a huge amount of news and topics, including the parallels between Operation Jade Helm 15 and the Castro regime, the hypocrisy behind the Iran nuclear agreement and the latest on the Indiana pizzeria/gay wedding controversy. Daniel H. Wilson, whose novel Robopocalypse is being adapted into a movie by Steven Spielberg, joins the show to discuss the implications of robotics and voice recognition technology. We also look into how the DHS wants access to a license-plate tracking system and how Greece is preparing to nationalize its own banks. You don't want to miss this bombshell broadcast! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/06/2015
On this Friday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the continued predatory behavior of the state as children abducted by CPS end up in the sex trade and parents are charged for allowing their kids to walk home from a playground. We also look at the latest outrage by the Islamic State as it targets more archeological treasures in Iraq and the growing movement against Common Core as students walk out in protest. On today’s broadcast we talk with activist and author Robert David Steele about a reform initiative that is starting to gain traction after a very successful presentation in Portland Oregon on Saturday. Steele, the author of OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 - Open Source Activist Tool Kit, believes 2015 is the year we can break the back of the two-party tyranny and the wall street criminal network. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/02/2015
On this Monday, March 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover Google's latest scheme to shut down independent media by ranking sites based on content rather than popularity. We also look into the run on AR-15 ammo as the ATF enforces a completely illegal ammo ban and how Obama supporters are willing to endorse Karl Marx as the next president if he were running. Bruce Fein, a lawyer who specializes in constitutional and international law, joins the show to talk about the methods Obama is using to skirt around the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for his unprecedented power grabs. Fein also explains how the FCC's "Net Neutrality" is favoritism for spectrum hogs. We also take your calls, but if you can't call into the show, tweet your questions to @RealAlexJones or with the hashtag #infowars! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 11/12/2014
On The November 11, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo covers vets sue big banks for facilitating iranian terrorism. USA has become an Oligarchy. Guccifer says prison is hard...NY times glosses over nuke threat by the elites aimed at Chicago in 2015. rewind: dyess refuses to deny secret nuke transfer. See something say something propaganda. Mental health screening in schools - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/14/2014
Alex breaks down unprecedented news on this Monday, July 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Dead children are now washing up on the riverbank of the Rio Grande as thousands of illegal immigrants attempt the deadly journey into the U.S. to receive de facto amnesty by the Obama administration. In Brooks Co., Texas, which is about 75 miles north of the Mexican border, federal agents have captured over 27,000 illegals this year alone. But of course, the TSA is allowing illegals to fly across the country without ID while American mothers who bring breast milk on-board flights are subject to interrogation. Joining today's show is Dr. Francis Boyle, a Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, who will discuss the current waterfront of domestic and international news. Alex will also take your calls throughout today's broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/20/2014
On this June 19, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty: as it happened. DHS to Pay For Illegal Immigrants to be Escorted Into U.S. Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members. Texan Told To Remove American Flag Because It’s A “Threat to Muslims.” Michael Hastings: A Real War Journalist In An Era of Controlled Press. U.S. Military Blocks ISIS jihadists 'seize Saddam's chemical weapons stockpile'. Stop Calling the Iraq War a 'Mistake' Harry Reid On Iraq Vote: 'I'm Sorry That I Was Misled... It Was A Mistake' Senators propose 12-cent gas tax increase - WRONG: 67% INCREASE! - Watch now