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Special Reports
Date: 10/13/2014
A general loathing and distaste for how the media openly perceives the public has signaled its demise. What matters most to the American people, means very little to the politicized culture in the white house. The Disengaged Obama Administration’s assumption that public perception is under controlled manipulation, only adds fuel to the downward spiral of trust contained in the gallup poll numbers. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/30/2014
On this Friday, May 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the globalist Bilderberg confab. Infowars Nightly host David Knight and Prison editor and writer Paul Joseph Watson file reports live from Copenhagen, Denmark. The Infowars team has beenharassed and assaulted by Danish cops who are under orders to maintain tight security as the elite and their handpicked minions discuss the Ukraine crisis, the economic meltdown, the future of a sustainable middle class and other issues of import to the public but are debated and decided in private. Alex also covers the significance of a secretive meeting between Obama and his likely successor Hillary Clinton at the White House and other topics including the continued militarization of police. Alex takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/03/2014
On The May 2, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: Issa subpoenas Kerry. Rand Paul says white house focused on spin not the truth. Carney on Benghazi "This is a conspiracy theory looking for a conspiracy." National Security spokesman: Dude Benghazi was like two years ago.. Benghazi email entered into testimony showing Clinton aids knew it was a terror attack. Why the WH is desparate to bury Benghazi. Opium skyrockets. Wall Street Killed Peached Geldof. - Watch now