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Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Workplace violence? Let’s just call it what it is, because we can. At the bare minimum, the coordinated massacre that just took place in San Bernardino was a jihad. As was the 2009 massacre that occurred in Fort Hood, ABC reported "Attorneys for the victims of the 2009 Fort Hood massacre said that the alleged shooter's admission that he gunned down his countrymen to defend the Taliban proves that the assault was a terrorist attack and not, as the government has implied, "workplace violence." - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 11/11/2015
On this Tuesday, November 10th edition of the Nightly News,PC Idiots Cry About Their Feelings while Globalists Plot WWIII, Universities are now breeding ground for homogeneous thinking where students will rarely encounter diverse viewpoints. The politically correct jihad has claimed yet another victim. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/03/2014
On this June 02, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. Rob Dew Hosts and We Interview "Susan" neighbor and friend of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and family. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/02/2014
On this Monday, June 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the blowout over the Sgt. Bergdahl trade as Republicans accuse Obama of negotiating with terrorists and the suspiciously timed story overshadows the VA scandal. Alex also covers some of the biggest revelations of this year's explosive Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen Denmark. The annual meeting of renowned globalists, banksters and corporate CEOs received virtually zilch coverage by the establishment media. Alex also looks at the Obama administration's renewed effort to target the coal industry by imposing draconian cuts in carbon emissions as part of the government's climate change agenda. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with investigative journalist and author Jon Rappoport. Jon edits His books include AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century and Oklahoma City Bombing: The Suppressed Truth. - Watch now