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Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/08/2016
On This Sunday, May 8th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we honor and highlight the importance of mothers in light of Mother's Day and discuss how their irreplaceable role in the family unit is under attack by the social engineers. We'll examine humanity's struggle for liberty and justice in this unprecedented point in history as outsiders and mavericks such as Donald Trump threaten to derail the globalist's plan for dehumanization and planetary dominance. Infowars reporter Joe Biggs will also be in studio to discuss his encounter with anti-Trump protesters in Oregon. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/21/2015
On the Monday, September 21st edition of the Alex Jones Show, clueless Obama supporters sign a petition calling for the US to nuke North Korea. Also, John Kerry announces the US will take on 200,000 refugees, and a new Gallup poll shows half of Americans believe the federal government is “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” On today's show, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins the program to break down the federal government's encroachment on civil liberties, and gives his take on the 2016 presidential election and the European migrant crisis. Also, Alex Jones is “free to go” after TSA harasses him over a jar of grape jelly, and the police state goes overboard everywhere the pope visits. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/03/2014
On The May 2, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: Issa subpoenas Kerry. Rand Paul says white house focused on spin not the truth. Carney on Benghazi "This is a conspiracy theory looking for a conspiracy." National Security spokesman: Dude Benghazi was like two years ago.. Benghazi email entered into testimony showing Clinton aids knew it was a terror attack. Why the WH is desparate to bury Benghazi. Opium skyrockets. Wall Street Killed Peached Geldof. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/06/2013
On this Friday September 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex interviews Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, about the deconstruction of the Middle East and why Obama's foreign policies have deserve his impeachment. Alex also talks with America's trend forecaster Gerald Celente about the repercussions of Obama's appearance at the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. Alex analyzes Iran's response to potential US military intervention in Syria, after Iranian media reports made threats against President Obama, his family, and against the US Embassy in Baghdad. Alex also breaks down the new Bureau of Labor Statistics data showing Americans not in the labor force has increased by nearly 10 million since Obama took office in 2009. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/05/2013
On The September 4, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Ernetta hosts & David Knight Interviews James Anaquad Kleinert, Director of Wild Horses & Renegades. News Covered: Obama: Red line on Syria is the world's, not his. Liberals reject Obama’s case for Syria strikes; believe Obama and Kerry are lying. Putin Says Kerry Lied About Al Qaeda Role in Syria. Breaking: Russia Says Syria Chemical Weapons Made By Rebels. Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer. Syria could be a crucial proving ground for U.S. Cyberwarriors. Obama to meet with LGBT activists in Russia. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/04/2013
On the Wednesday, September 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Secretary of State John Kerry's latest dog and pony show before the Senate as Obama makes his case to bomb Syria under the pretense of more chemical attacks launched by al-Qaeda and U.S. inaction emboldening Iran and North Korea. Alex also covers a high level source inside the military that has confirmed that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail. - Watch now