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Special Reports
Date: 02/10/2014
Adam Kokesh joined Austin open carry activist for a stroll past UT campus. Kokesh details his future plans and his past raid for open carry in Washington, DC. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/08/2014
On The February 07, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & When a federal agency vindictively disbands a small town police department, the mainstream media defends the government and what emerges is a tale of police corruption and multiple "suicides".. A Special Report By David Knight. News Covered: Was Jay Leno Canned by NBC For Criticizing Obama? Nuland Audio Reveals State Department Role in Undermining Ukraine. ‘F**k the EU’: Tape Reveals US Runs Ukraine Opposition. Man Who Fled Communism Blasts Oregon Lawmakers For Gun Control Attempt. Mayor says nationwide gun control is next. Kentucky Police Set Up ‘Eating While Driving’ Checkpoints. FAA Investigating Possible Illegal Use Of Drone At Hartford Crash Scene. Adam Kokesh At Austin Tx Open Carry Rally. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/30/2013
On The July 29, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Host Jakari Jackson Speaks with Obama Birth Certificate Investigator Mike Zullo About New Case Developments. The Premiere of Operation Paul Revere Honorable Mention Film Entry -"The Futurist" News Covered: U.S. Government’s Struggle to Maintain a Semblance of Credibility in the Face of Independent New Media – Led by Drudge and CIA now Openly Propagandizing Americans. Scientists Announce Ability to Implant False Memories in Mice. New Video Emerges of Michael Hasting's Questionable Car Crash. Rand Paul Targets Egypt Aid. Elderly Man Killed by Officer's Bean Bag Rounds. Protestors Call Out Austin Police Deptartment for Officer Involved Shooting. FBI Recovers 105 Missing and Sexually Exploited Children. Adam Kokesh Held Without Bond for Crime of Filming Himself Performing an Utterly Harmless "Crime" - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/10/2013
On the Wednesday, July 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down new developments in the ongoing NSA spy-gate scandal as Obama moves to predictively target potential whistleblowers and “insider threats” by asking federal workers to spy on each other. Alex also analyzes new information regarding the Pentagon's purging of files dealing with the Navy SEAL raid on the Bin Laden compound in Pakistan. On today's show Alex also analyzes the intensifying war in Syria where Obama-backed FSA rebels have imposed food blockades and are shooting protestors in the city of Aleppo, in addition to Russia's UN ambassador also promoting claims that opposition fighters, not Syrian forces, are using chemical weapons. We'll also be covering the arrest of fellow radio host and political activist Adam Kokesh mere hours after he appeared in an interview with Alex on the Infowars Nightly News, whose residence was raided last night after he staged a valiant July 4th open carry protest in Washington DC. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/30/2013
On The May 29, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Elizabeth Rich she is a Wisconsin attorney who has practiced in the areas of environmental, land use and regulatory law for 25 years. She works for clients who challenge the government. She has lived on a 40-acre farm since 1995 and raises goats for dairy products and chickens for meat and eggs. Over the years she's kept dairy cows, pigs, ducks, turkeys, guineas, rabbits and geese in addition to a large garden and fruit production. Elizabeth’s goal is to produce as much of her own food as possible, as her 25 years of experience with the governmental agencies charged with protection of our food supply has led her to the conclusion that she is not protected. Police Wary of Provocateurs at Bilderberg 2013. Kissinger: U.S. and China to Collaborate on Globalist “World Order”. Chinese-US Pentagon: The Chinese stole our newest weapons. Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies. FINANCIAL CRISIS The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To Spin Wildly Out Of Control. Is the Dollar Dying? Why US Currency Is in Danger. The Dying Dollar and the Rise of a New Currency Order. Dios Mío! Pentagon’s Latest Weapon in Colombian Drug War? Soap Operas. - Watch now
Monday: The Nightly News. Joel Skousen Gives Fair Warning about the Elite's Plans for Nuclear War.
Nightly News
Date: 05/21/2013
On the May 20, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones speaks with disaster preparedness expert Joel Skousen about the threat of Nuclear War. News Covered: Feds want to lower limits and criminalize alcohol consumption. Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes. Activists rally to free Adam Kokesh. NYPD Cops arrest woman recording them,apparently stealing wrong memory card. Denver Cops arrest Italian Shotgun Manufacturer as a terrorist. - Watch now