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Nightly News
Date: 02/06/2016
On this Friday, February, 5th 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News, Hillary Blames GOP Conspiracy, Then Outspends GOP Mrs. Clinton says there is a right-wing conspiracy against her. She retaliates by outspending the top six GOP candidates. Is Hillary Clinton Feeling The Bern? And Lee Ann McAdoo reports from Austin, Texas to find out who won the latest Democratic debate - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/19/2015
On this Friday September 18th edition of the Nightly News, Lee Ann Mcadoo brings you what you might have missed on the 28 hour broadcast of the 2015 Money Bomb. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/18/2015
Highlights from Operation Money Bomb 2015, as info warrior across the globe unite to take the operation to the next level. Plus Donald Trump links vaccines to autism during the GOP debate. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/11/2015
On this Thursday, September 10th, 2015, edition of the Infowars Nightly News. The Infowars crew looks back on the many ways the government lied about what really happened on September 11th, 2001. Lee Ann McAdoo talks with Richard Gage a member of the American Institute of Architects about 9/11 as well as a new film where firefighters, engineers and architects will be exposing the myths about 9/11. and an interview with retired New York Firefighter and police officer Rudy Dent who give us his insight on the 9/11 incident. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/18/2014
Tonight "Dancing with the Stars" premieres and America is glued to the tube, unaware that all "reality" programming is meticulously manufactured by networks. Mass distraction is big business. We don't want to be in a rigged system. We want a system where the individual is empowered and the playing field is level. But when you have a media that prides itself on being fake you get fake contests, rigged elections and psuedo news with teleprompter readers. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/04/2014
Despite Obama's intention to have Hollywood pushing his insurance agenda, the disasterous rollout, hefty premium hikes and cancelled plans mean brand-conscious celebs won't plug the PR disaster. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/23/2013
The iPhone 5s was just released and its already been hacked. So why's the NYPD passing out fliers nudging people to upgrade their software? Are they on Apple's payroll? Is it to fight petty theft or something more sinister? - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/09/2013
General Wesley Clark told the world that he learned of White House plans to take out Syria just weeks after 9/11-- that was more than a decade ago. As the world waits to see if the Obama Administration will usher in WW3, Iran is busy building a "Friendship Pipeline" to secure a direct oil route through Syria and out to European markets. This will threaten US interests since Russia - Iran and Syria's ally - is already the major supplier of energy to Europe, and this pipeline will bypass Saudi Arabia, potentially propping up Iran's influence on the world's economic system. The Globalists will stop at nothing to ensure Iran does not become a world superpower. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/09/2013
Real, authentic media has affected public opinion to the extent that the military industrial complex has not been able to start yet another war — or as Zbigniew Brezezinski says, there is a 'global political awakening' that is constraining their wars. So the government attacks authentic media by trying to turn everyone's fundamental right to free speech into a privilege granted only to those they bless with the designation of 'journalist'. Even the name of the bill: "Free Flow of Information Act of 2013" is false. It's all about stopping the free flow of information. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/08/2013
Trendies are "A-OK" with the NSA spying on them. Even if it's just like Nazi Germany. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/07/2013
Child sex trafficking is big business for some pimps who prey on children who feel abandoned by their parents and neglected by their state-appointed caregivers. Sometimes these child "protectors" are known sexual predators instead. Even worse, powerful authorities are often times running child trafficking rings leading investigations to a halt. Who's caring for the children? - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 07/30/2013
A talented hacker known for exposing dangerous issues with everyday devices died just days before he was to deliver a revealing talk at Black Hat, a hacker conference in Las Vegas. - Watch now