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Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/04/2015
On this Sunday, October 4th edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the latest developments following the school shooting in Oregon as presidential candidateHillary Clinton calls for a mass movement against the Second Amendment and opponentDonald Trump rallies supporters and declares he has a concealed carry permit. We also look at a an effort by the establishment media to portray the mixed race suspect as a white supremacist, including CNN’s use of a Photoshop trick to change the skin color on a photo of the shooter. On today’s worldwide broadcast we take a look at the latest developments in Syria as Russia continues to bomb jihadists and ISIS and the US-Saudi opposition begins to crumble. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/19/2015
On this June 18, 2015, edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Darrin McBreen covers: Alex Jones responds to Obama’s press conference regarding the Charleston church shooting. Democrats respond to the S.C. Church shooting with an immediate call to ban ALL firearms. 28 Pages That Will Change the World: Will Bush and Cheney in up behind bars? Senator Rand Paul is on board with an ongoing effort to release government documents pertaining to the 9/11 attacks that have thus far remained secret on “national security” grounds. The 28 pages of documents are thought to contain information relating to the direct involvement in the attacks of senior figures in the Saudi Arabian government. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 12/17/2013
On The December 16, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts & We Interview Host Of Coast To Coast, John B. Wells. News Covered: Boston Bomber Believed He Was a Victim of Mind Control. Media Works To Keep Mass Shooters’ Profiles Secret. Armed School officer was hero in Colorado shooting. '60 Minutes': NSA Good, Snowden Bad. NSA officials consider Edward Snowden amnesty in return for documents. Document Reveals State’s Move To Vastly Expand Continuity of Government Powers. After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed! Nazi Counterfeiters and the Fed. Iraq violence kills 54 in run-up to Shi'ite holy day. California gun owners warily eye rifle, shotgun database requirement. Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Laws on Gun Control. Why Taser is paying millions in secret ‘suspect injury or death’ settlements. The 8 Companies Behind Google's Robot Army. Now it’s time give him a brain - Kurzweil. Climate change expert's fraud was 'crime of massive proportion,' say feds. - Watch now