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  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 02/01/2016

    On this Monday, February 1st edition of the Alex Jones Show, we follow the caucus results in Iowa as the the 2016 election process gets underway. News stories covered on today’s worldwide broadcast include: the laughable claim by candidate Hillary Clinton that she is “not in the pocket of anyone” after receiving millions of dollars from George Soros and bankers, Ron Paul’s prediction that the DNC may dump Clinton in favor of John Kerry or Joe Biden, Microsoft’s tinkering with poll results in Iowa, and the political tide turning in Germany as the people boo and jeer Chancellor Angela Merkel - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 01/18/2016

    On this Sunday, January 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show we break down the "Mark of the Beast" and discuss what the elite plans for humanity's future. We'll analyze the situation in France, where left-wing activists are attempting to censor video of Muslim migrants attacking journalists in a notorious refugee camp, while also covering the latest headlines in the presidential race, including the brewing feud between presidential frontrunner Donald Trump and Ted Cruz over the senator's mysterious loans from big banks. The CIA's attack on the new "13 hours" Benghazi film, which they claim falsely pushes the idea of a stand down order from the White House, will be examined as well. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide transmission. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/13/2015

    On this Tuesday, October 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover how the Jeb Bush campaign used a paid staff member pretending to be a feminist to attack Donald Trump at a campaign event. CNN, of course, is running with the fake narrative despite the lie being exposed by both the Conservative Treehouse and the Drudge Report. Anthony Gucciardi also explains the lies you've been told your entire life, what you can do personally to fight the system and how people are now too scared to even hold conversations with strangers in public due to political correctness. Behavioral scientist Gad Saad reveals the agenda behind political correctness and how radical feminism threatens free speech. Tune in! - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 10/08/2014

    August 2014's release of "The Congress" challenges the viewer to consider what the real outcome of the ultimate social fantasy will be. The film stars Robin Wright as herself, a successful Hollywood actress whose personal decisions have frustrated the Hollywood machine so many times that they no longer want to work with her. She is offered a contract to allow the company to capture her likeness and personality digitally but prohibiting her from ever working as an actress again. ‘The Congress’, based loosely on Stanislaw Lem's science fiction novel, "The Futurilogical Congress”, explores a possible future scenario that seems at times a little too prophetic. The result is a film that presents an archetypal warning which has been echoed by many great artists throughout the decades; once humanity allows itself to be consumed by fantasy and deception it opens the door to a totalitarian dictatorship. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 03/18/2014

    Tonight "Dancing with the Stars" premieres and America is glued to the tube, unaware that all "reality" programming is meticulously manufactured by networks. Mass distraction is big business. We don't want to be in a rigged system. We want a system where the individual is empowered and the playing field is level. But when you have a media that prides itself on being fake you get fake contests, rigged elections and psuedo news with teleprompter readers. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 03/17/2014

    It used to be that your privacy was invaded by people entering your home and going through your personal possessions or by intercepting and reading your mail.   Then they invaded your private cyberspace.  Now they are openly preparing you for then next assault — invading the privacy of your mind. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 01/20/2014

    It's never too early to start conditioning kids to accept the coming surveillance-drone police state. Disney's new cartoon hopes to make kids love constant drone surveillance because the snooper is just a cute little ladybug who only spies because she loves you. We reported in 2007 about these coming drone warfare insects and now we show you the USAF Micro-Air Vehicles set to deploy soon. But it's not just Disney who's propagating to the youth, The TSA released their own cartoon showing kids how to bow down to tyranny. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 12/16/2013

    On the Monday, December 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex analyzes the influx of terror-related events engulfing the United States as of late - from the FBI entrapment of a witless patsy at Wichita's Mid-Continent Airport, to shootings and bomb scares on college campuses - and reveals who ultimately stands to gain from these events. Alex also looks in depth at the results of a Boston Globe investigation which found Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev believed had been brainwashed, or hypnotized, to act on trigger phrases, claims which match up identically with those of previous notorious assassins, such as 'Batman' shooter James Holmes and RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan. On today's show, Alex also examines the inherent incompetence of the ongoing Obama-care fiasco, and catalogs the latest victories and losses in the war on the Constitution and freedom at large. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 09/27/2013

    On The September 23, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts & We Interview Dr. Ed Group. News Covered: FBI Statement About Navy Yard Shooter Discredits Anti-ELF and Smart Meter Movement. Friend of Chechen Man Executed by FBI, Arrested and Interrogated for Hours. U.S. Govt Prevented Drone Strike Victims From Meeting With Congress, Lawyer Claims. UK Detention Of Reprieve Activist Consistent With NSA's View Of Drone Opponents As 'Threats' And 'Adversaries.' NSA Surveillance Boss Defends 'Noble' Mission To Spy On Emails, Phones To Prevent Terror. “Secret” 3G Intel Chip Gives Snoops Backdoor PC Access. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 09/25/2013

    On The September 24, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Paul Joseph Watson Hosts & We Interview Dr. John Hall. News Covered: State of Connecticut Refuses to Release Adam Lanza’s Medical Records. Off Duty Soldier Armed With Handgun Saves 100 Lives During Mall Siege. Seventh Graders Suspended For Nine Months For Playing With Toy Gun… AT HOME. Americans' Belief That Gov't Is Too Powerful at Record Level. Children in Syrian Town Simulating Beheadings Of Enemies. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 09/23/2013

    On this Monday, September 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest on the terrorist attack inside a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, allegedly perpetrated by the Somalia Islamic group, al-Shabaab. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi, who documents Obama's connection to Kenyan Marxist politician and former prime minister Raila Odinga, al-Qaeda, and the recent terror attacks. Corsi is the author of Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President and, most recently, Who Really Killed Kennedy?: 50 Years Later: Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination, a book arguing that the Kennedy assassination was organized at the highest levels of government by former CIA boss Allen Dulles with the support of then vice president LBJ. Alex also talks with investigator Bob Fletcher and whistleblower Deborah Tavares about smart meters, psychotronic warfare, and mind control. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 09/20/2013

    On The September 19, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson Hosts & Interviews David Seaman Creator & Host of Rise Morning Show. News Covered: ALEX JONES WITH LATEST ON PHARMA PSYCHOPATHS. Matt Drudge and Alex Jones: 17-year Old Bloggers. MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims. FEMA Region 3 drill, Special Rports: ROTHSCHILD PARTY 1972 & Oathkeepers Harassment - Watch now