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  • Nightly News

    Date: 06/16/2016

    On this Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Donald trump and the NRA might be planning a stealth gun ban, which will add millions of Americans on the terror watch list. meanwhile, an Islamic refugee is arrested on the New Mexico border in possession of the Regis pipeline planes. Then what would Jesus do at the gay bar shooting in Orlando, Plus “Creeps in Space!" NASA wants to put human clones on a mars colony and they are ready to use crony capitalism to get them there. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 03/26/2014

    On the Wednesday, March 26 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the Obama administration's incredible arrogance as another deadline to sign up for Obamacare is pushed back yet again, illustrating how the executive branch acts unilaterally to alter laws. Jones also takes a look at the unfolding situation in Ukraine, where Kyiv forces have enlisted a spinoff of Blackwater mercenaries to act as a police force, and reports on the increasing tendency to conduct military drills in urban areas. On today's show, Alex welcomes Dr. Edward Group to the show to discuss new developments in geo-engineering and chemtrail bioengineering, the harmful components people are exposed to in the air, home and workplace, and solutions to detoxify the body. We'll also touch on other important news items, like the never-ending saga of missing Malaysian Flight MH370, and take your calls. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 08/08/2013

    Today on the Thursday, August 8 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex interviews the driving forces behind the Overpasses forObama's Impeachment campaign, James Neighborsand Dallas Thurman and discusses their mission to remove the corrupt and criminal President Obama. Alex will also talk with Green Party candidate, former Georgia State House Representative and activist Cynthia McKinney about the aftermath of the Trayvon riots. Alex will also discuss McKinney's new book titled “The Illegal War on Libya,” in which she set out to monitor NATO's purported humanitarian intervention where she witnessed NATO's assault on a helpless civilian population. Alex will also cover the latest on a Reuters report that exposed an IRS manual detailing a branch of the DEA used for “recreating investigation” trails, and utilizing counter-terrorism tactics in domestic drug, organized crime and money laundering cases. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 04/10/2013

    On the April 9,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Darrin McBreen speaks with Black Panther Party Veteran Larry Pinckney about the truth behind Obama's arms build up. News Covered: AMBER ALERT: CNN confirms missing family is in Cuba. North Korea warns foreigners to leave South amid new threats of war. US won’t be returning to moon, NASA chief says. Big Sis Testing Drones That Can Detect Guns. PETA Plans to Fly Drones That Would ‘Stalk Hunters’. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/09/2013

    On the April 9,2013 show Alex welcomes American musician Dan Spitz and his wife Candi Spitz to speak about their fight against autism and their ongoing crusade to alert as many people as possible to the dangers of vaccines. Alex tears apart the steadfast push to tamp down so-called "gun violence" as Obama once again parades the dead children of the Newtown tragedy for maximum emotional manipulation of the masses. Alex also breaks down the DHS audaciously testing surveillance drone technology that can detect whether or not a person is armed. - Watch now