Channel: All


  • Nightly News

    Date: 04/30/2016

    On this Friday, April 29th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Anti-Trump agitators are triggered into a riot in Southern California, as Infowars captures the chaos from the land of idiocracy. Then the surveillance state comes out in the open and there is no a supreme court ruling that officially allows the FBI to hack and surveil your computer and a bong hit cost a top NFL prospect a whopping 8 Million Dollars. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 01/25/2016

    On this Sunday, January 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the imploding world economy as the elite get ready to up the ante in Syria. We also take a look at Stephen Hawking’s dire warning that humanity must leave terra firma before it is destroyed by the ruling class, the real story behind the attacks in Paris last year, a red alert for martial law in 2016, and the threat of artificial intelligence. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 02/02/2015

    On the LIVE Sunday, February 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones breaks down how millions of Americans will be tuned in to the mass distraction spectacle that is Super Bowl XLIX, while ignoring the offshore banking interests that loot the planet and federal authorities' efforts to clamp down on the remaining vestiges of freedom in America. Alex also reviews how the bread and circus NFL is used to promote big government propaganda, such as the gun control agenda, while also making billions as a “non-profit” organization subsidized by taxpayers. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 01/23/2015

    Joe Biggs discusses #DeflateGate, A scandal topping the news in America. Meanwhile the state of the union is atrocious, Our president continues to lie the American People but no one seems to care about that. Looks like Patriotism in America has gone Flat. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 02/21/2014

    Minnesota police are suing the NFL because the league bans off duty officers from carrying weapons into stadiums. It goes to show how once the general public is disarmed the police and military are next. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 12/30/2013

    On this Monday, December 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the Volgograd terrorist attacks in Russia and a connection to Chechen groups controlled by Saudi Arabia. Alex also takes a look at the slow and irrevocable economic dissolution of the United States as markets teeter and over a million Americans face the dismal prospect of losing unemployment benefits amidst the greatest Federal Reserve spawned economic depression since the 1930s. Alex takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast and covers other important news items on this the final week of a tumultuous and historic 2013. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 12/03/2013

    Alex uncovers a wide range of tyranny on this Tuesday, December 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Experts and analysts are now warning that Amazon's proposed delivery drones could be used to gather information on Americans much like how Google Street View cars harvested and stored data from private Wi-Fi networks. Nationally syndicated radio host and legal analyst Lionel joins the broadcast to discuss these recent developments and how the establishment demonizes anyone who analyzes cover-ups and corruption instead of following the government's false narratives without question. editor Kurt Nimmo also joins the show to break down the government takeover of the Internet as state governments begin taxing online purchases, which will undoubtedly hurt working families the most. Alex takes your calls throughout the broadcast. - Watch now