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Special Reports
Date: 08/12/2015
The mainstream media is attacking critics of Operation Jade Helm, including Alex Jones and Infowars, in an attempt to steer public opinion in favor of the domestic military drill. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/04/2015
The Jade Helm military exercise kicked off today and already the media is diligently beating away at "those crazy conspiracy nuts". They're all to happy to focus on some of the more unbelievable theories floating around, but not a single agency has discussed what we revealed months ago. You won't hear this from the establishment media because they are complicit in the cover up. Jade Helm is more than a simple military exercise. If you understand the technologies, you will see that Jade Helm is more an intelligence operation using Geospatial Intelligence mapping. The battlefield of the future is not going to be between Nation states, rather there is literally a war on for your mind. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 07/07/2015
In this special report Jakari Jackson breaks down what "Master the Human Domain" really means and how it will be put to use. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/05/2015
In some towns and cities, where residents will be advised to report any suspicious activity they notice as a means of testing the military’s effectiveness. The Third Amendment of the Bill Of Rights states, No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Ambiguous, maybe, How are we to know if they are soldiers if they are moving undetected, possibly into our homes? The Fourth Amendment states The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. But the Bill Of Rights is to be blatantly ignored as Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting noticed in the community.” Can’t the already move around the community? They are Americans? Right? .There is more at play here as the Jade Helm playbook , Master The Human Domain intends to Collect information on who you are. What you do. Who you know. And enter you into a demographic to be analyzed. Dissidents will be dealt with. Sound a little extreme? The 2006 US Military Police Training Manual targets Civil Disturbance Operations within the United States and FM 3-39.40 Internment and resettlement Operations details the overall psyop officers and prison camps that will be used if the plan is implemented. But let’s be clear this is a blatant PSYOP not a martial law takeover we at Infowars are trying to make you aware of. There’s a big difference. The massive population of the U.S must first be conditioned, before the next phase rolls out. And the hostile areas according to Jade Helm must first be put in a chokehold by a corporacratic government that can no longer and will no longer sustain the pursuit of happiness of its subjects. Most people I spoke with were unaware and trusting of a Government dominated by foreign banks and eroding trust. Others not so much. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/19/2015
Infowars Reporter Joe Biggs Talks about the footage that was taken on I-95 South of a convoy. Much Speculation as to whether or not it is Jade Helm related. Biggs Tells you what this Convoy is and what its for. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/12/2015
On the Tuesday, May 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal takes center stage as the Obama administration attempts to cede Congress' authority over to “global busybodies.” Also, updates on the “off-grid” family in Kentucky who had their children seized by the state, and presidential contender Marco Rubio says he supports warrantless mass surveillance and NSA spying. Filmmaker Mike Norris and writer and business entrepreneur Gary Heavin join the show to discuss their upcoming film AmeriGeddon, and give their take on the Jade Helm military exercises. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/08/2015
Alex Jones uncovers one of the most detrimental plans facing humanity today. In this SHOCKING Report Alex details the governments insidious plan to put it's own citizens under martial law in order to strip them of all rights. Now the government is issuing subliminal propaganda via the Ad Council who claims it does not know how a news cast mentioning martial law in the midst of an outbreak ended up in an AARP ad. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/08/2015
Two spokesmen of the drill have been captured on camera contradicting themselves. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 04/29/2015
Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson talks to citizens in Bastrop, TX. after they flooded the Commissioners Courtroom in opposition to Operation Jade Helm. “Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” according to an unclassified military document announcing the training drill, which runs from July 15 through September 15. The exercise, in which troops will be “wearing civilian clothes and driving civilian vehicles” to blend in with “civilian populations,” lists Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory. Related: ARMY DRONES, ACTORS TO BE PART OF JADE HELM - JADE HELM: TROOPS TO “OPERATE UNDETECTED AMONGST CIVILIAN POPULATION - BASTROP COUNTY, TEXAS RESIDENTS OPPOSE JADE HELM - STEVE QUAYLE: JADE HELM 15 WILL CHANGE AMERICA FOREVER - MILITARY BUILD-UP FOR JADE HELM IS BIGGEST EVER SEEN - - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 04/06/2015
Vietnam…1965 to 1972. The Phoenix Program, was a CIA designed and coordinated infiltration of the political infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam aka the Viet Cong Communist Army. The CIA had been covertly infiltrating Viet Cong strong holds to seek out names on their kill list. One of the Tactics included parading innocent Vietnamese citizens around their village with a bag over their head and a leash around their neck, terrorizing all of the residents. The Vietnamese citizen on the leash would then be instructed to indicate which house the Viet Cong informer might live. The next day, The CIA’s Provincial Reconnaissance Units would kick the door down and kill everyone inside, women and children included. The CIA’s PRU would haul the Viet Cong off to regional interrogation centers where they would be tortured to extract information for the Commanding officers and then the whole process would be repeated. Peter DeSilva, The CIA’s station chief developed the strategy known as counter terror. The use of terrorism as a legitimate tool to use in unconventional warfare. DeSilva strategically applied the counter terror to unsuspecting “enemy civilians”. Historian Douglas Valentine noted in his important work The Phoenix Program, that "Central to Phoenix is the fact that it targeted civilians, not soldiers”. With martial law plans that have been in place for decades. The globalist banksters that control our Government see the CIA’a approach in Vietnam as a benchmark in undermining U.S. sovereignty. In just 14 years,since 9/11, unleashing a degradation in the American Bill Of Rights never before seen in our 239 year history. The Fall Of Saigon in 1975, marked the end of The Vietnam War. Communism won and The Socialist Republic of Vietnam was born. The CIA lost The Vietnam War by targeting the citizenry. And they want to try that on American soil? With the Jade Helm Operations gearing up for summer 2015. Treason’s seat at the table of Liberty just got a whole lot bigger. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/27/2015
Alex Jones uncovers one of the biggest and most dangerous issues in recent history, a Rosetta Stone that will decode the deception taking place throughout our world. As Russians build gigantic underground bunkers, spanning 400 square miles, the elite are planning their escape from America by purchasing airstrips, farms in places like New Zealand, and buying underground shelters in record numbers. As preparations for nuclear war intensify, the public is being told it's not a danger anymore. Get this emergency broadcast out to everyone you know before the time for action runs out. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/27/2015
Back in February of 2012 USA Today writer Tom Vanden Brook and editor Ray Locker were targeted just days after contacting the owners of Leonie Industries, a Pentagon funded psyop contractor. Mysteriously, websites popped up, some of them claiming that Vanden Brook and Locker worked for the Taliban. What were VandenBrook and Locker exposing? It wasn’t just the fact that they had uncovered a psyop contractor that was given federal dollars regardless of the back taxes California based Leonie Industries Owners, Camille Chidiac and Rema Dupont owed. They were exposing the major psyop they were a part of. American Psyop 101. Jon Bowne exposes the document spinning its web into the hearts and minds of the American public. - Watch now