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Nightly News
Date: 05/21/2015
On this Wednesday, May 20 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, desperate to counteract Seymour Hersh’s investigation into the Osama bin Laden raid, the CIA has released Osama’s reading list — after 4 years. You won’t believe what’s on the list. As financial “markets” waited today on baited breath for the latest minutes from the Federal Reserve to get signals about whether interest rates would rise, we learn that 5 large banks have just been fined just under $6 Billion for rigging markets. It’s alright for the privately owned Fed to manipulate interest rates, but not for smaller banks. Nevertheless, crime pays — for them. The fines are small & no one goes to jail. To fast-track the fast-track authorization, Sen McConnell moved today to shut down debate on the comprehensive treaty affecting not only jobs & commerce, but also sovereignty transfers & expansive copyright claims by a few corporation to ownership of everything. We also look at the FCC, who recently asserted its control of the internet, planning to shift internet control to a yet unknown international organization. In the name of safety, insurance companies have begun putting tracking devices that measure & record drivers’ actions. They promise discounts on insurance, but thousands claim the devices fried their car’s electronics or suddenly shut the engine off while they were driving, leaving them without power steering or power brakes. Is it yet another “safety” device like the 34 million air bags just recalled, or is it a grab for control and money to Track-n-Tax your movement? - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/19/2015
Who is Seymour Hersh and why does what he says matter? Mr. Hersh exposed the cover up of the 1968 My Lai massacre of between 347 and 504 unarmed south Vietnamese citizens and received the 1970 Pulitzer prize for International Reporting for his work. He has notably investigated the CIA’s secretive Project Azorian, a super secret effort by the CIA to recover a sunken Soviet Submarine just northwest of Hawaii. In 2004, Hersh recently exposed the mistreatment of detainees at the Iraqi Prison Abu Grahib. In a wide-ranging interview published by the Guardian, Seymour Hersh says that the raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is “one big lie” and that “not one word” of the Obama administration’s narrative on what happened is true. Hersh’s solution to the lapdog media that whitewash’s Obama’s dirty laundry is to shut down news networks like NBC and ABC and fire 90% of mainstream editors, replacing them with real journalists who are outsiders and not afraid to speak truth to power. “The republic’s in trouble, we lie about everything, lying has become the staple,” concluded Hersh. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/12/2014
On The February 11, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Interview Dr. Ed Group With Health Tips To Rejuvenate Your Mind & Body. News Covered: Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism. D.C. Man Faces Jail Time For Empty Shell Casing. Kid Voluntarily Turns In Forgotten Plastic Gun, School Still Suspends Him. Video: Police Shoot Family’s Service Dog Outside 9-Year-Old’s Birthday Party. Government Task Forces Cannot Protect Women From Rape. Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want.' Banana Republic As Employer Mandate Is Extended Again. DoD Gave Order to “Destroy” Bin Laden Death Photos Hours After FOIA Request. House report on Benghazi attack faults White House for security lapses. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/04/2012
Zero Dark Thirty, the movie supposedly based on the official true accounts of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, is set to release in U.S. theaters December 19. Melissa Melton takes a look at all the propaganda, misinfo and disinfo that came out following the Bin Laden raid and questions what version of events the makers of Zero Dark Thirty are really presenting under the guise of "based on a true story." Winnie the Pooh was also based on a true story, but just because there was a real life bear named Winnifred, it doesn't mean there are real life talking tigers bouncing around. Infowars also premieres official Osama Bin Laden raid footage. - Watch now