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Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/30/2013
On this very important and compelling Sunday, June 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex speaks with NSA insider and whistleblower Wayne Madsen who recently revealed the United States' collaboration with the entire European Union to censor European newspapers reporting on the illegal NSA spying in an unprecedented manipulation of the press. This direct attack on free speech even includes documents released years prior on subjects that governments have already admitted to doing. We will also look at the Zimmermann trial and how an acquittal could lead to racial conflicts across the country. In other news, police are now using any available crisis to confiscate firearms, recently showcased by the RCMP as they stole guns from homes evacuated during a flood in Alberta. Please tell your friends and family to tune in today for this world-important news! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/11/2013
On The June 10, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. News Covered: What is a surveillance state? Only the government & their elite controllers have privacy....Bilderberg & the Surveillance State. Mr. & Mrs. America Turn in Your Phone Records. Steve Clemons leak: Intelligence officials overheard joking about how NSA leaker should be 'disappeared' after handing classified documents to press. Iceland Considers Offering NSA Whistleblower Snowden Asylum. Military told not to read Obama-scandal news. Rand Paul planning class action lawsuit against surveillance programs. MP To Quiz Cameron on Bilderberg Attendance In Parliament. Egyptian Politicians Caught on LIVE TV Hatching False Flag Plot to Sabotage Ethiopian Dam. - Watch now