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Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/20/2016
On the Wednesday, January 20 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we'll look at the rigged stock market plummeting along with oil prices, as economists warn of a global wave of epic debt defaults. On today's show, we'll also air our powerful sit-down interview with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in which the Nation of Islam leader speaks out on varied topics, such as Donald Trump's comments on Muslims, the contrived race war, the brutal takedown of Libyan Col. Muammar Gadhafi at the hands of Hillary Clinton and a whole lot more. Tell your friends and family to tune in from 11am to 3pm as Infowars attempts to break the establishment's conditioning. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 11/06/2015
On this Thursday, November 5th 2015 edition of the Nightly News, What you need to know about The TPP. Then Piers Morgan implores Obama to stop the terrorist the president help create , after that do you really know what's in your drinking water? And abortion supporters say its racist not to support Planned Parenthood. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/27/2015
On the Tuesday, October 27 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, an editorial in the Global Times asserts China is “not frightened to fight a war with the US” after a US warship neared the South China Sea. Presidential hopeful Rand Paul also refuses to back down, insisting that he is the only true fiscal conservative in the race. Vitamin lawyer Ralph Fucetola joins the show today to discuss vaccination and opting out through informed consent. We'll also discuss the latest election news, the new revelations emerging from the undercover Planned Parenthood videos and take your calls on this global transmission. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/24/2015
On this Friday, October 23rd 2015 edition of the Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo covers Iceland sentencing five bankers to prison for their hand in the collapse of the Icelandic economy and then Lois Lerner gets off scot-free, and finally Texas raids Planned Parenthood ! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/23/2015
On this Friday, October 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show we feature a video of Alex’s visit to the Austin office of the surveillance technology company Google and the unwelcome reception Jones and the Infowars crew received there. We also look at a proposal to use pop-up windows on websites to shame people who make comments considered offensive or racist. Other news covered includes Iceland imprisoning criminal bankers, an Arizona school banning patriotic football gear, the Obama administration encouraging schools to publicly demonstrate support for an influx of illegal immigrants, and the latest on Syria where Russia is helping rollback and eradicate jihadi terrorists created by the Gulf Emirates and the United States. On today’s broadcast we talk with pro-life activist Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/04/2015
On this Friday, September 4th edition of the Alex Jones Show, We take a look at Donald Trump’s GOP loyalty oath and Sen. Rand Paul’s belief it will be a disaster for the country. We also take a look at an Infowars special report on the British royal crown’s connections to the Nazis, the arrogance of Team Clinton as they refuse to cooperate with the FBI on the email server scandal, how the fall of the US stock market would take down the global financial system, and the continuing saga of Planned Parenthood and the reprehensible sale of aborted babies. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and web entrepreneur Dr. Joseph Mercola and Tami Monroe Canal, the founder of March Against Monsanto. - Watch now
Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. Ashley Madison Leak Reveals Thousands Of Government Email Addresses
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/19/2015
On the Wednesday, August 19 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Republican presidential contender Donald Trump says Hillary could do hard time for her role in sending highly classified emails through a private server. And the Ashley Madison hack reveals email addresses of thousands of government employees, exposing it as a favorite for cheaters in power. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins today's show to break down his views on Trump, the current political atmosphere and geopolitics. Also today, Dr. Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., joins the program to discuss the Planned Parenthood videos and how the organization targets minority communities. We'll also take your calls on this global transmission. - Watch now
Tuesday: The Infowars Nightly News. Bloomberg Outspends NRA 15 To 1 For Oregon Background Checks
Nightly News
Date: 08/19/2015
On this Tuesday, August, 18 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Oregon’s tracking of gun owners was bought by one man Michael Bloomberg who outspent the NRA 15 to 1. While the New Yorker Magazine thinks there's too much free speech And we look at how Planned Parenthood buys its government subsides. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/16/2014
On this Wednesday, July 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show Alex continues coverage of the imploding border situation. He also breaks down an influx of Department of Homeland Security agents in neighborhoods as part of a “community outreach” program designed to acclimate the populace to an ever-encroaching police state. Guests on today's show include Abby Johnson, a former abortion clinic worker who will address abortion quotas at eugenics mills like Planned Parenthood. Alex also talks with the niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Alveda King about the abortion agenda and her new book, King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper. Alex takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/03/2014
Pro-choice group have used many rationals to justify abortion in the past. Its come to light that Planned Parenthood has hit a new low in its "right to choose" battle by stating that the Bible doesn't specifically ban the act of abortion. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/25/2014
On The March 24, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: Aborted Babies Burned to Power Hospitals in UK. Nancy Pelosi to Accept Award Honoring Black-Hating Eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Albuquerque Police Shoot To Death Man For Illegally Camping. Mexico: Knights Templar Drug Cartel Made Recruits Eat Children’s Hearts in Initiation Rite. Homeland Security Exercise Targets “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.” Big Brother Censoring Free Speech on Youtube. Vive La France: Country Bans Monsanto GMO Corn Before Sewing Season. Voracious Worm Evolves to Eat Biotech Corn Engineered to Kill It. - Watch now