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  • Nightly News

    Date: 02/14/2017

    On this Monday February 13th, 2017 of the Infowars Nightly News, Obama official can finally use the term “radical Islam”. He claims he wasn’t afraid to use it and wasn’t doing it out of Political Correctness. Right. Both Obama and non-radical Muslims are afraid to use the term. They can’t win an argument with radical Islam, much less a war. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 06/15/2016

    On this Wednesday, June 15th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest assaults on the Second Amendment, including a report that Academy Sports will keep a database on customers who buy so-called “assault rifle” ammunition. Special Forces op Tim Kennedy is live in studio to discuss the Second Amendment and ISIS sleeper cells in America. Also, whistleblower Philip Haney reveals how Hillary’s State Dept. blocked an FBI investigation into the Orlando killer’s mosque. Rob Dew & Josh Owens reveal the truth about the Islamic takeover of Germany - and how it can happen in the U.S. Tune in! - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 01/08/2016

    On this Friday, January 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover calls for the Obama administration to declare a national state of emergency to gut the Second Amendment, asylum seekers committing violence in Germany, converting social media into a national security state informer network, the collapse of the stock market in 2016, and other important stories. On today’s broadcast we talk with Canadian blogger and security analyst Stefan Molyneux, attorney Stephen Pidgeon on articles of impeachment against Obama, and financial newsletter writer and author Harry Dent. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 12/15/2015

    Workplace violence? Let’s just call it what it is, because we can. At the bare minimum, the coordinated massacre that just took place in San Bernardino was a jihad. As was the 2009 massacre that occurred in Fort Hood, ABC reported "Attorneys for the victims of the 2009 Fort Hood massacre said that the alleged shooter's admission that he gunned down his countrymen to defend the Taliban proves that the assault was a terrorist attack and not, as the government has implied, "workplace violence." - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 12/15/2015

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday at the Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner she will take aggressive action against the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” Lynch’s grandstanding before a Muslim group reveals the Justice Department and the Obama administration are promoting the so-called social justice agenda at the expense of the Constitution and the First Amendment. It also underscores the collectivist idea that government has the authority—enforced by its monopoly of coercion and violence—to protect the rights of preferred groups at the expense of the rights of the individual. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 12/15/2015

    Pundits are speculating at a Christmas party could have been the trigger to the San Bernardino murders. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 05/05/2015

    MSM will gloss over the fact that an FBI informant was working with the deceased shooters who attacked the provocative contest for cartoon depictions of Prophet Muhammad in Garland Texas. But this has become the rule of the FBI via informants to recruit, incite and even provide bomb supplies to young, dumb individuals. Are we creating the terrorists we are supposed to be protecting ourselves from? How many liberties will we be asked to give up in order to keep us safe from the FBI and their army of informants? - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 02/16/2015

    On this Sunday, February 15 edition of the Alex Jones show, Alex breaks down radical Islam's war on free speech in light of two shootings in Copenhagen, Denmark, one at a free speech debate and the other at a synagogue, and how the West, who has been importing jihadists, will undoubtedly call for increased surveillance and suppression of the First Amendment. Alex will also cover the attack on parental rights as the medical establishment ignores the admitted dangers of vaccines goes for broke by calling for anti-vaccine parents to be treated like criminals. Alex will also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 01/18/2015

    Infowars attended the Stand with the Prophet conference in Garland, TX. Muslims outside the event told our cameras they wanted nothing to do with violent extremist. - Watch now