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Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/25/2016
On the Thursday, February 25th transmission of the Alex Jones Show, a New York Times columnist's tweet about a possible assassination attempt on Donald Trump lands him in hot water. Meanwhile, a political science professor claims a statistical model gives Trump a 97-99% chance of winning the presidency. And Secretary of State John Kerry proposes a Syrian “safe zone” requiring between 15,000 and 30,000 US troops. On today's show, author and WND editor Cheryl Chumley breaks down the mysteries behind Justice Scalia's death, the Trump-Pope controversy and the latest election news. We'll also hear from syndicated radio host and news decoder Lionel, and take your calls on this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/24/2016
On this Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Saudis call for arming Syrian Jihadists to shoot down Russian planes and one of the establishment's propaganda arms, MSNBC, cut away from the press conference saying the TPP was "not news”. For those of you with wi-fi sensitivity, there's something new coming down the line you might want to watch out for. And Obama's Scalia Death Joke Angers America. - Watch now