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Nightly News
Date: 04/04/2014
On The April 3, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts & We Interview Artist Pazero On The Power of Activism Through Art. News Covered: Army Admits Ft. Hood Shooter Given Psychiatric Drugs. Fort Hood Shooting: Time to Disarm the Entire U.S. Military? The ‘forgotten’ lobotomies on World War II vets. President's Budget Would Double Funding for BRAIN Initiative. Texas man testing open-carry law told he’s ‘free to go’ – then tasered and arrested. More Evidence U.S. Funds al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria. Americans: Disengaged, feeling less respected, but still see U.S. as world’s military superpower. Obamacare Enforcement Like Snow Removal, IRS Chief Says. 9 Of The Top 10 Occupations In America Pay An Average Wage Of Less Than $35,000 A Year. More People Claiming They’ve Been Targeted For Their Colorado Plates. Ministry Of Truth: Crackdown Ordered On Climate Change Skeptics. American Constitutional History Professor: Crimea’s Secession from Ukraine is VALID. Italy Troops Crack Down on Secessionists Nationwide. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2014
On this Thursday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the factors behind the latest mass shooting in Ft. Hood, including the fact that the shooter was prescribed anti-depressant drugs and that the shooting occurred in a gun-free zone. Alex also discusses the latest in geopolitics, with former congressman and presidential contender Ron Paul joining today's show to explain how Congress's $1 billion aid package to Ukraine will impoverish Ukrainian citizens at the expense of American taxpayers. Also joining the broadcast is New York Law School professor Robert Blecker, an expert on constitutional law who reveals the history of secession in the U.S. and how it ties into the current situation in Crimea. You don't want to miss today's powerful broadcast! - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/17/2013
States Scream Secession as They Run From an Overbearing Government Maryland joins the race to be the 51st state due to high taxes on resources and strict gun laws. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 07/18/2013
Last month Infowars reported on the proposed secession of Weld County from Colorado to form the new state of Northern Colorado. The idea of putting this on the ballot came from intrusive new regulations being place on rural parts of Colorado. 10 counties held a meeting on in the town of Akron Colorado to begin mapping the boundaries for the new state of North Colorado. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/13/2013
Commissioner Mike Freeman talks Colorado Secession, 2nd Amendment and the new state of North Colorado - Watch now