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Special Reports
Date: 06/18/2015
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade package is beginning to unravel, with more prominent voices slamming President Obama and the Republican leadership over the secretive deal that threatens to cost American jobs and hand big corporations new powers that would violate national sovereignty. Critics of the TPP assert that the trade deal will cost American jobs and give huge corporations the power to change U.S. laws. Physicians are rallying as they become increasingly concerned about the passage of TPP. Prescription drug costs could waylay the affordability of biologics and thousands of prescription drugs by drastically altering intellectual property protections. Under the TPP, corporations could sue countries for restricting their products due to legislation brought to fruition by Government policies. The Investor State Dispute Settlement portion of the TPP gives the upper hand to the corporatocracy. Legislative bodies would only act as advisory boards to the ruling corporacratic governments. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/18/2015
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions warns there will be another attempt in Congress on Tuesday to push through TAA and fast-track authority. “If that happens, it will empower the President to form a Pacific Union encompassing 40 percent of the world’s economy and 12 nations—each with one equal vote. Once the union is formed, foreign bureaucrats will be required to meet regularly to write the Commission’s rules, regulations, and directives—impacting Americans’ jobs, wages, and sovereignty,” Session says in a statement posted on his Senate web page. The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) would allegedly protect workers from the consequences of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and House Speaker John Boehner crafted TAA as a compromise to nudge Democrats who fear a backlash from constituents. TAA, however, would not protect workers as transnational corporations continue to pillage industries and move jobs offshore under TPA and fast-track. - Watch now