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Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/02/2015
On this Wednesday, December 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show we look at the double standard operating on American college campuses as a Black Lives Matter supporter who promised to carry out a racially-motivated rampage against “white devils" is allowed to return to the University of Chicago. We also cover how the White House was forced to admit it would backtrack on its countless promises there would be “no boots on the ground” in Iraq and the hypocrisy of the State Department as it complains about Russia closing down the Soros color revolution machine. Special guest billionaire presidential candidate Donald Trump discusses attacks from the liberal media attempting to derail his campaign. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with legendary rocker Ted Nugent and Lord Christopher Monckton who was part of a Heartland Institute delegation attending the COP21 warmist confab in Paris. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/30/2013
Alex broadcasts live from the road on this Tuesday, April 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Alex runs down the latest news as the United States moves closer to invading Syria under the pretext that Assad used chemical weapons. He also breaks down the latest developments on the Boston bombings and covers an story about a child abducted by CPS after his parents sought a second medical opinion. On today's show, Alex talks with rock music icon and Second rights advocate Ted Nugent about the ongoing effort by Congress and Obama to force gun control on the American people. He also talks with Mark Anderson of the American Free Press about the upcoming Bilderberg conference and the recent passing of Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/25/2013
On the live Sunday, February 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Ted Nugent pops in for a suprise phone call. Mr. Nugent covers the blatant truth surrounding the 2nd Amendment debate.Alex runs down a DOJ memo analyzing registration and ultimately confiscation of all firearms by the government under the auspices of a national “buyback” program and other schemes aimed directly at the heart of the Second Amendment. Alex also analyzes efforts by the establishment to exploit a racial war to take down America and set the stage for an authoritarian takeover. Alex also covers other important news stories and takes your calls. - Watch now