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Special Reports
Date: 04/24/2015
On the heels of National False Flag Month in America (April), we get one of the weirdest stories of the year thus far. It appears that armed Transgenders were involved in a shootout at the gates of the NSA in Fort Mead Maryland. One of the men is dead and the other hospitalized. This is the 2nd time this month that the NSA has been attacked. The FBI was quick to point out that this was not a terrorist attack, had this been men wearing gadsden flag or End The Fed t-shirts the feds would have been crying terrorist attack. Stay tuned for more updates. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 04/20/2015
On the surface Putting a transgender bathroom in the White House maybe the Humane 21 Century thing to do. But President Obama signed an unconstitutional Executive order that gives him massive leverage over sections of the economy that won't adhere to an estimated .3 percent of the U.S. Population. And under Obama's watch, transgender sex education is being doled out to elementary school children courtesy of the United Nations. The entire LGBT community makes up approximately 4 percent of the population of the United States and President Obama wants to roll up his sleeves and take uncompromising State governments head on? Meanwhile you can throw a dart in any direction and hit a major global crisis the Executive Branch of our government clearly needs to focus on. - Watch now