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Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/10/2016
On this Monday, October 10th 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we recap last night's presidential debate. We'll also cover the newest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks. Actor and composer Micah Femia joins the show to discuss Hillary's use of child actors as well as what it's like being a patriot in an industry run by SJW's. We'll take your calls on this worldwide transmission. Tune in at - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/01/2016
On this Thursday, September 1st 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we break down Donald Trump's historic trip to Mexico to meet and speak with the Mexican president. Master hypnotist and creator of the popular comic strip series Dilbert Scott Adams joins the show today to discuss his prediction that Trump will win by a landslide in November. Also, activist Lauren Southern breaks down her recent interaction with a social justice warrior who attempted to take down her Youtube channel. On today's show, we also welcome black Republican R.W. Bray, who discusses the lies of the Democrat party and ways Trump can reach out to the African American community. We'll also take your calls during this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/09/2016
On this Tuesday, August 9th, 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the Orlando gay night club shooter's father shows up at a rally to support Hillary Clinton. We'll also look at The Hill's photoshopped tweet making Hillary appear wildly popular, and examine excerpts from Donald Trump's powerful economic speech. On today's show, author Dr. Steve Pieczenik breaks down the latest election news and Hillary's scandals. And independent journalist Max Bachmann joins the show to discuss Bilderberg and what the global elite have in store. - Watch now