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Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/14/2016
On this explosive Thursday, April 14th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we welcome Arthur Thompson of the John Birth Society who reveals more about Heidi and Ted Cruz’s ties to both the CFR and the North American Union designed to end U.S. sovereignty and America as we know it. Also, Brian Tuohy, a leading expert on game rigging in professional sports and author of The Fix Is In, explains the parallels between mass cheating in the NFL and our current presidential election. And members of the Portland State Students for Donald Trump discuss their Trump event on Saturday in Portland you’re not going to want to miss. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/06/2016
On this Wednesday, April 6th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the aftermath of the Wisconsin primary and how Ted Cruz is claiming he has momentum despite the fact the only chance he has at getting nominated is by stealing the election from the people’s choice: Donald Trump. GOP strategist Roger Stone explains the establishment’s latest strategy to block Trump and Dr. Ed Group exposes the mystery flu spreading across the country and additional health information. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/10/2016
On this Thursday, March 10th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the agenda by radical jihadists to conquer Europe, an effort by the FBI to turn high schools into informant networks, a missing Clinton email that claims the Saudis financed the Benghazi attacks, and other important and breaking news stories. On today’s worldwide transmission we talk with Ed Martin, the president of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/03/2016
On this Wednesday, March 3rd, 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News, After viscous campaigning Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton win on super Tuesday. And NATO’s “US Gen Philip Breedlove claims Russia and Syria are “weaponizing” migration to destabilize and undermine the continent. He also suggested that criminals, extremists and fighters were hiding in the flow of migrants.” And will it take the awareness of the angered majority of Americans to wake up or even come to Europe’s rescue…once again? How long before George Soros is outed for the nation wrecking enemy of humanity he truly is? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/02/2016
On the Wednesday, March 2 broadcast of Infowars Live, Donald Trump wins big on Super Tuesday, putting him one step closer to winning the Republican nomination. War candidate Hillary Clinton also trounced Bernie Sanders, despite her track record and the role she played in the destruction of Libya. And former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he will consider running for president if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee. Antivirus developer John Mcafee joins the program today to discuss the FBI's attempt to force Apple to develop an iPhone backdoor. We'll also examine billionaire George Soros' visit to the White House, the ongoing European refugee invasion and take your calls on this worldwide edition. - Watch now