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Nightly News
Date: 11/04/2015
On this Tuesday, November 3rd 2015 edition of the Nightly News, Obama criticized the GOP presidential candidates for banning the NBC-hosted debate due to bias, something he has done in the past. Trump fired back accusing the President of incompetence when it comes to running the country. How Refugee Crisis Will Decimate Europe Germany must step up role Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug Michael Savage and Alex Jones discuss marijuana and whether or not it will lead to other drugs, or if this is a myth. Vatican Suspected of Money Laundering Vatican financial investigators suspect a department of the Holy See which oversees real estate and investments was used in the past for possible money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation. What's the Point of Black Lives Matter? We've talked about how George Soros backed NGO's are actively supporting the refugee crisis in order to decimate Europe, but what about Soros backed activists here in America? Dr. Jerome Corsi visited the Alex Jones Show to break down the highly orchestrated Black Lives Matter Movement and it's role in order out of chaos. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/16/2015
On this Thursday October 15th, 2015, edition of the Nightly News: A look back at Hillary Clinton's performance at the Democratic Debate as she flip flops and revises history. Then start your Thursday off right or left with a little boogie woogie from Bernie Sander on the Ellen Show. Plus the pope is asking for forgiveness after gay sex scandals have rock the Vatican and Rome. And what would DARPA dream up next. Drones that vanish to thin air? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/25/2015
On this Friday, September 25th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a speech delivered at the globalist forum at the United Nations by Pope Francis following his speech before Congress where he sold out the principles of freedom. We also take a look at the hypocrisy of the pontiff for his remarks on open borders while the Vatican maintains a strict immigration policy and has a wall erected around its tiny sovereign state. Other topics covered on today’s transmission include the slow motion crash of markets around the world, the lie that Obamacare would lower health insurance premiums, and the latest calls by Black Lives Matter activists to kill white people and police. We also look at credible tips from two different sources that the FBI in coordination with the FTC is planning to raid at its central Texas command center as possible payback for attacking Obama and the Democrats. - Watch now