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Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/30/2015
On this Wednesday, September 30th edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the Russian bombing of Islamic State targets in Syria and Saudi Arabia’s rejection of Russian involvement and its decision to beef up the jihadists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government and its leader, Bashir al-Assad. We also continue our coverage of the murderous insanity of Muslim immigrants and the liberal media’s attempt to shift the blame in the war of words over radical Islam. We also take a look at a move by Apple to shut down an app that catalogues U.S. drone strikes. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with “The Angry Foreigner,” a Bosnian immigrant who has achieved viral success with his videos criticizing the fallout from Sweden's open border policy and Theodore Morgan-Major, a researcher with Seele Team 6, a research team focused on the gaming industry and the GamerGate controversy. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/18/2013
On The September 17, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Paul Joseph Watson Hosts & Lee Ann McAdoo Interviews Kevin Kastelink of Joycamp. News Covered: Government Routinely Hires Internet Trolls To Monitor Chat Rooms & Disrupt Article Comment Sections. D.C. Navy Yard Shooter Was An Avid Video Gamer And Possibly Heavily Medicated. Mass Shootings Fuel Fear, Account for Fraction of Murders. CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspended. Yes, we can: Obama waives anti-terrorism provisions to arm Syrian rebels. TEPCO Releases Typhoon Water Into Ocean, Says It Was Safe - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/17/2013
On this Tuesday, September 17 worldwide transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the background of alleged Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis, who is undoubtedly a textbook example of the "zombie-fication" of America. Reports indicate Alexis was not only dependent on SSRIs but was also desensitized to violence through mass media. Obama responded to this shooting with more demands for domestic gun control as he approved the open transfer of firearms to al-Qaeda. Former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and survivalist author James Wesley Rawles joins the show to discuss how you can protect your family from this mass implosion of society. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/01/2013
Magazine article literally asks, "Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger on a fellow citizen?" The latest installment of the popular Rainbow Six video game franchise casts Americans fed up with government corruption and banker domination as domestic terrorists intent on carrying out killings and bombings, yet another startling indication of how media is influencing the public to accept protesters and people generally upset with the way their government is being run as the new terrorist threat - Watch now