Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 10/28/2016
On this Thursday, October 27th, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Russia is training millions domestically for WWIII, the Clinton campaign has gone to drastic measures to appear as if they are still alive, the spy state is taking another step forward, and perhaps the answer to National Anthem protests is revealed. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/14/2016
On this Monday, March 14th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the ongoing fallout over the disruption and violence at a Donald Trump rally in Chicago on Friday. We look at Trump’s response to Jake Tapper that “in many cases I do lower the temperature” and his clarification on “disrupters” at his events. We also look at US Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s war on the First Amendment and free speech and actor Jean-Claude Van Damme’s claim on French television that the Rockefeller and Rothschild families won’t let Donald Trump win the presidency because he is an anti-globalist candidate. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with Trump confidant and insider Roger Stone about the Chicago event and Hillary Clinton’s collusion with George Soros, MoveOn and Media Matters to take down the popular candidate and discredit rival Bernie Sanders. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/21/2015
On this Monday, December 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a wide variety of news including how Obama is now using the "race card" against Trump and how the government is finally admitting that chem trails do exist. Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura joins the show to break big news you're not going to want to miss. We also talk about the Muslim "refugee" who said the main goal is not to flee the Syrian war but rather to convert Europe to Islam. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/17/2015
On this Thursday, December 17 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the hate crime murder allegations against two Muslim migrants in Sweden charged with brutally battering a gay man to death. And, Hillary Clinton claimed that she is unaware of ever having received money from the fossil fuels industry, with full knowledge that all of the lobbyists who work for her now once worked for oil and gas companies. And the French police investigate nationalist leader Marine Le Pen for posting violent Islamic State images on her Twitter account. On today's show Lord Christopher Monckton breaks down the key outcomes of the Paris climate talks. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Poor Billionaire scumbag George Soros. His colour revolution is finally being called out for what it truly is. Rather than a pro democracy movement of civil disobedience, its nothing less than a full attack on democracy by the New World Order Agenda truly behind it. On Monday Obama’s State Department criticized Russia’s decision to evict George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/30/2015
On the Monday, November 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, world leaders waste millions on luxury air travel to convene at the United Nations climate talks in Paris, in efforts to convince the world of the eminent dangers posed by man-made global warming. We also look at how a Swedish woman refused to report a rape committed by refugees because she felt sorry for them. And Russia steps up its campaign to rout out ISIS in Syria by blocking supply lines on the Turkish border. On today's show, documentary filmmaker and author of the new book Stealing America Dinesh D’Souza discusses how the federal government plans to suppress online dissent by tweaking copyright laws. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/24/2015
On this Tuesday, November 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we explain what the media’s not telling you about the Russian fighter jet shot down by Turkey as well as the Russian rescue helicopter shot down by NATO-backed Syrian “rebels” linked to ISIS. Could this erupt into a war between NATO and Russia? Putin called the incident "a stab in the back committed by accomplices of terrorists.” Also, Ron Paul insider and Republican Liberty Caucus founder Norman Singleton discusses the current economic crisis and the latest Audit the Fed bill in Congress. You don’t want to miss today’s show! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/01/2015
On tonights Wednesday, September 30th edition of the Infowars Nightly News, dramatic footage of Russia's first air strike in Syria. Plus Vladimir Putin performs openly declares that Obama armed ISIS. And a CNN analysts says that Trump and Carson are to blame if a gunman shoots muslims in a mosque and clueless clinton supporters unwittingly support Donald Trumps tax plan. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/30/2015
On tonights Tuesday, September 29th edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Barack Obama has turned Vladimir Putin into the most powerful leader in the world, Documents obtained by judicial watch reveal that the Obama administration gave more than 15,000 Terrorist asylum in the US last year. Meanwhile the Washington Times is reporting that Terrorist are planning a nuclear tsunami and the United States is drastically under estimating the power of ISIS. Plus disturbing news from the state of Washington as girl as young as 10 years old have been implanted with birth control devices. - Watch now