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Nightly News
Date: 02/23/2016
On this Monday, February 22nd, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Every GOP candidate that has won both New Hampshire & South Carolina as Trump has now done, has gone on to win the party’s nomination. But the GOP Bush/Romney establishment is coalescing around Rubio who is so desperate to cover his Gang of Eight betrayal of the GOP voters that he calls Breitbart a “conspiracy site.” And Filmmaker Kevin Booth (“American Drug War: The Last White Hope”, “How Weed Won the West”, “American Drug War 2”), billionaire entrepreneur Michael “Big Mike” Straumietis and Bulgarian entrepreneur Ivan Georgiev give the backstory on the upcoming film “Ghost Nation” and the parallels between the authoritarian direction the US is headed and the mafia regime in Bulgaria. Essentially, as the borders remain open and nearly 60 percent of Illegal immigrants identified by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as criminal threats are not deported and are eventually released. The establishment, drunk with power after quietly for all intents and purposes legalizing propaganda in July of 2013, means to saturate the American psyche with a bombardment of social media from psychopathic leftists, Federal propaganda, and Muslim extremism. Bluntly violating the First Amendment in order to shut down the national conversation in support of gaining a totalitarian foothold of a culture of fear and control. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/20/2015
Marijuana and its use has been studied over the course of the last few decades more so than even many leading FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs, with researchers categorizing the effects of marijuana to a much greater degree than many of the pharmaceutical drugs you or your family may currently be taking. In a revelation that really demonstrates our scientific focus in the United States, where marijuana is still considered by federal law to be a dangerous and illegal substance placed in the same class as hard drugs like heroin, even mainstream media publications have begun calling out the strange doctrine of the medical community that pushes pharma drugs on the public at warp speed. This, all while scoffing at the use of ‘no high’ marijuana alternatives like the juicing of cannabis oil. - Watch now