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Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/01/2013
On the Tuesday, Oct. 1 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines how the government shutdown barely affects most peoples' daily lives, and explains why the widespread healthcare exchange glitches merely precursor the disastrous road ahead. Alex also examine how the scorned insurance mandate mirrors the socialist healthcare models of previous tyrannical dictatorships. On today's show, we speak with Stewart Rhodes, the founder and President of Oath Keepers, about what Secretary of State John Kerry's signing of the UN Arms Trade Treaty means for legal, law-abiding gun owners in America, and how Oath Keepers is going "operational" by forming special "civilization preservation" teams. Alex also invites former stockbroker and American broadcaster Max Keiser to break down how the world economy is on track to implode - by design. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/04/2013
On the Thursday, April 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Mike Adams guest hosts and Alex rides shotgun. Mike covers the escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States as the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, threatens to nuke the U.S. Mike also runs down the latest on efforts by Obama and the Democrats in Congress to hamper the Second Amendment. On today's show, Mike talks with Troy Smith and Rob Nash in-studio. Smith is the owner of Brite Ideas in Austin, Texas, and Nash is the founder of Mike's guests will talk about aquaponics, a sustainable food production system that combines a traditional aquaculture with hydroponics. Dane Wigington will break down the latest on geoengineering, weather control, chemtrails and related topics. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2013
On the Wednesday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex scrutinizes the creeping collapse of world economies happening by design as the media openly announces global banker governance. He'll also break down the outrageous assaults on the Second Amendment, and the various distractions geared to keep the public in dazed pacification. On today's show, Alex welcomes honorably discharged disabled U.S. Navy veteran David A. Schmecker. Mr. Schmecker recently had his guns confiscated by police following a forced “psychiatric evaluation,” illustrating the acceleration of the demonization campaign against returning veterans and law-abiding gun owners nationwide. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/25/2013
On the Monday, March 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the looming financial crisis as the government of Cyprus has agreed to a plan cooked up by international banksters to steal the money of depositors in exchange for a 10 billion euro bailout of the Mediterranean island's busted banking system. Alex also talks about a new ammo purchase at the Department of Homeland Security and the latest developments brewing in Congress as the government steps up its war against the Second Amendment. On today's show, Alex talks with author and the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, Joel Skousen, about the slow motion financial melt down. Alex also takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 01/02/2013
Under the eugenics world government system, individual human beings are literally considered to be “human resources” to be planned and manipulated under a planned economy with total control over your health care, employment, housing, food and reproduction… yet somehow government officials tell us that this is “freedom.” In the 1984 sense of the matter, this kind of “freedom” really is slavery to a system where the State believes it is God. This is coming to America in a number of ways, but certainly through Obamacare, where technocrats try to sell us on the argument of rationed health care, where cost-benefit analysis determine the value of individual human lives. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/17/2012
It would seem the U.S. carbon tax is alive and well and, if man-made climate change alarmist Al Gore and his globalist friends have their way, it's coming soon to a bank account near you. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/06/2012
Nearly every day, the mainstream media dispenses new articles reinforcing the idea that humans are infesting the earth, overpopulating it like parasites and sucking it dry of resources. The magic number — 7 billion — is thrown at us like an accusation and a curse, as if the mere fact this many people are now living on the planet is an automatic death sentence for the world and everything on it. These articles never admit it, but the point is not to educate people on the environment and population growth. The real design is programming us to accept population control. The real meaning behind it? Eugenics. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 10/16/2012
Infowars Nightly News investigative reporters Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton attend the third in a series of central Texas sustainable development meetings in a small town of less than 2,000 people. This time, the townspeople are not so welcoming to these planners who intend to come in and concentrate "smart growth" in their quiet, rural community. Community members begin to interrupt the presentation and question the planners as to why they have to adhere to these Agenda 21 measures in their town and who is going to pay for it. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/24/2012
Infowars Nightly News reporters Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton investigate the local initiatives driving the spread of "sustainable communities," now taking over Central Texas and driving its population into a containment grid under the guise of "smart growth" and other such measures. The Infowars team visits several local meetings working to inject 'sustainable' principles into the region, confronting bureaucrats who deny any connection with or sufficient knowledge of the UN's Agenda 21, while Melissa Melton interviews an Urban Design and Landscape Architecture professor at the University of Texas who teaches a class on Agenda 21. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/05/2012
As new Agenda 21 "micro-apartments" are being beta tested in large cities like New York and San Francisco, Melissa Melton decided to hit the streets and ask people if they would live in these tiny 200-300 square foot apartments like the globalists want under the U.N.'s plan in order to "save the Earth." - Watch now