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Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/30/2015
On this Sunday, August 30th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss the cold-blooded murder of Texas Sheriff's Deputy Darren H. Goforth, who was shot execution-style by a 30-year-old black male Friday night, only days after a group of black radicals went on a Texas internet talk-radio show and called for “lynching whites and killing cops." We'll also discuss the vicious racial attack captured on camera showing a black couple beating a white woman and how the establishment, which is now using MTV to shame white people as racist, is attempting to divide Americans and foment a race war. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/23/2015
The epidemic of black on white cowardly attacks on the elderly and disabled continues. Police in Omaha have arrested one of the individuals seen brutally punching a 76-year-old woman in a video that went viral earlier this week. The incident occurred last Sunday morning at St. Cecilia’s Cathedral. The elderly lady is seen on a security camera picking up a pamphlet before she is blindsided by two thugs, one of whom steals her purse. The other individual then punches the woman full force in the head. She collapses to the ground and subsequently had to be taken to hospital. Police arrested 22-year-old Wayman Clark, the individual seen throwing the punch in the video. The man who stole the woman’s bag remains at large. Black on white violent crime captured on videos that go viral now appear to be an almost daily phenomenon and have picked up steam since the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement came to prominence. A movement that a recent poll shows only 31% of Black Americans support. Many have complained that the media is afraid to confront the reality of these hate crimes due to politically correct fears of being branded “racist”. For years the press has referred to such incidents as “the knockout game,” while others assert that they represent a disturbing trend of violent criminals feeling emboldened to attack white people in the belief that it is somehow justified. - Watch now