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Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/05/2016
On this Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss FBI Director James Comey's recommendation for the Justice Department not to pursue charges against Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, despite "extremely careless" handling of classified State Department info. We also break down demand for “pain ray” weapons used during riot control situations growing as concerns over civil unrest continue to build. Author and WND editor Jerome Corsi joins the show to talk about how the Obama administration is stealthily attempting to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership and more. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/09/2015
On This Thursday October 8th, 2015 Special edition of the Nightly News, The H is silent in Benghazi, but according to the house select committee thousands of incriminating emails are about to be released and this could be the end of Hilary Clintons presidential campaign. Then attacker would be shot on sight in the wake of the tragic shooting in Oregon, Rand Paul says school should be armed and not be left defenseless. Plus, The science of 9/11 evidence of controlled demolition architects and engineers from "9/11 Truth" Richard Gage in studio with Lee Ann Mcadoo. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/03/2015
On this Thursday, September 3rd edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down the European migrant crisis, particularly as the West keeps funding and arming ISIS to take over Syria, pushing Muslims out of the country and into already crowded areas of Europe. We'll also analyze the latest murders of police officers with Adam Adam Loewe, a personal injury attorney who specializes in police brutality cases. In other news, a hacker says he'll sell Hillary Clinton's entire, unreleased private e-mails for $500K, highlighting just how unsecure her server was when it came to national security. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/02/2015
On this Wednesday, September 2nd edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look at a disturbing trend of anti-cop violence, as three police officers are murdered in less than a week. Obama also flies to Alaska to experience “global warming” first-hand, and new updates emerge on Hillary's use of private servers to send classified State Dept. emails. Reporter Joe Biggs also checks in from Fox Lake, Illinois, the site of a massive manhunt following the death of a police officer. Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center, joins the show today to break down changes in the food industry and explore whether food nanoparticles can be more dangerous than GMOs. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/21/2015
On this Thursday, August, 20 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Mexican Cartel in control of U.S territory, and "YOU GOT MAIL” Hilary campaign admits classified material was on their private server and we take a look at the big business of anchor babies. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/20/2015
Hillary shrugs off suggestion she 'wiped' her server clean with a snarky response. Trump predicts Hillary could get 'up to 20 years in prison' for deleting more than 30,000 emails – and a federal law that she voted for backs him up! - Watch now
Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. Ashley Madison Leak Reveals Thousands Of Government Email Addresses
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/19/2015
On the Wednesday, August 19 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Republican presidential contender Donald Trump says Hillary could do hard time for her role in sending highly classified emails through a private server. And the Ashley Madison hack reveals email addresses of thousands of government employees, exposing it as a favorite for cheaters in power. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins today's show to break down his views on Trump, the current political atmosphere and geopolitics. Also today, Dr. Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., joins the program to discuss the Planned Parenthood videos and how the organization targets minority communities. We'll also take your calls on this global transmission. - Watch now