Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 06/30/2017
Trump’s travel ban finally goes into effect today. And predictably, people are whining about the right to immigration and separated families. Is there a right to immigration? Can foreign citizens reunite in their home countries with their relatives? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/06/2016
On this Monday, June 6th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the shocking, new book written by a former Secret Service agent which reveals the real Hillary Clinton, not the one you see on TV. Also, Rob Dew & Josh Owens are live from Germany where they are reporting on both the migrant crisis and the upcoming Bilderberg meeting in Dresden. And Fox News correspondent Tucker Carlson discusses the state of the presidential race and more. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/13/2016
On this Sunday, March 13 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we look at the growing hostility nationwide in the wake of presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's cancelled Chicago rally which saw radical and violent George Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders supporters go on the attack. We'll examine similar attempts to stop a Trump rally by protesters in St. Louis that resulted in bloodshed, the left's attack on black Donald Trump supporters and the security scare against The Donald that caused secret service agents to rush the stage at a campaign speech. Comments from political insider Roger Stone regarding Hillary Clinton's involvement in stirring up protests against the hotel tycoon will be looked at as well as the stories buried by the mainstream media showing Donald Trump supporters and his political adversaries coming together to peacefully discuss their differences. We will also take your calls on today's worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 03/10/2016
George Soros, one of the main plumbers responsible for the destruction of Europe, is declaring to the public like the proud black lives matter funding billionaire criminal he is, that the EU is on the verge of collapse. While Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte says that "Europe has 6-8 weeks to get a grip on the crisis" according to Reuters. As the EU migrant machine's mechanisms are collapsing. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 12/23/2015
On tonights Tuesday December 22nd, 2015 edition of the Nightly News. hundreds of ISIS Jihadists already in Europe preparing Paris-style attacks. Islamic state conflict voted top news story of 2015, according to the associated press' annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors. but Obama says this concern is only due to media saturation, not because terrorists are actually threatening to attack the western way of life. secret service agents gun, badge stolen near white house some inside the agency expressed surprise that such a crime could take place so close to the law enforcement agency's headquarters in the middle of the afternoon. he must not have seen any signs. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Rather than assert their sovereignty and a limit to what Europeans can logically withstand. European leaders are applying more pressure on their citizens. A proposed law in Germany would give police the power to enter people’s homes without their permission in order to conduct a “suitability” check to see if the accommodation could be used to house asylum seekers. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/09/2015
On the Wednesday, December 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, a new study reveals that 21 per cent of Syrians support ISIS, amidst controversy over Donald Trump’s comments on Muslim immigration. And Democrat presidential contender Bernie Sanders supports the no-fly list gun ban, making it clear he is an enemy of not only the Second Amendment, but also the Fifth. On today's show, Dr. Edward F. Group shares tips to enjoy a healthy holiday season, avoid weight gain and also gives some detox options. Also today, Lord Christopher Monckton reports on the Climate Change Conference talks, and The Daily Caller Editor in chief and co-founder Tucker Carlson joins the show to discuss the latest on Donald Trump's whirlwind campaign. We'll also take your calls on this global broadcast. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/24/2015
Once dubbed the “Great Humanitarian Power” by its ex-prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden is on the edge of a brutal collapse due to a wave of entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women at a rate of53.2% and bleeding the economy of the country dry. Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, experienced ethnic violence between groups of immigrants. The gangs, described as “youths” by the Swedish media, used guns, bombs and hand grenades to mark their turf. In August the Swedish Migration Board, Migrationsverket, recorded almost as many reports of threats and violence in asylum accommodation as throughout the whole of 2014, according to the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. “In Sweden, which does not usually report the nationality of rapists, a just released study by Swedish Police revealed that Muslim men, who constitute only 2 percent of the population are responsible for 77.6 percent of rapes, giving once peaceful Sweden the highest rape rate in Europe and the second highest in the world, next to South Africa.” Following the arson attacks, the government decide to keep the location of refugee centers secret. Immigrants are being housed in former royal mansions and Sweden is building housing for the chaotic violent army taking over and raping their own country into collapse. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/16/2015
On this Friday, October 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the latest attacks on the Second Amendment as Democrats push for background checks on the purchase of ammunition and the state of Maine pushes back by allowing citizens to conceal carry a hand gun without a permit or permission from the state. We also follow the latest in Syria as Russia continues to pummel jihadist mercenaries and Obama deploys troops in Africa. We also take a look at the latest development in the economy as the World Bank issues a report stating the world must create 5 million jobs a month to prevent the economic situation from getting worse. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 10/15/2015
After his latest primetime TV spectacle, will the American people see behind the empty rhetoric and entertainment? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/25/2015
On this Friday, September 25th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a speech delivered at the globalist forum at the United Nations by Pope Francis following his speech before Congress where he sold out the principles of freedom. We also take a look at the hypocrisy of the pontiff for his remarks on open borders while the Vatican maintains a strict immigration policy and has a wall erected around its tiny sovereign state. Other topics covered on today’s transmission include the slow motion crash of markets around the world, the lie that Obamacare would lower health insurance premiums, and the latest calls by Black Lives Matter activists to kill white people and police. We also look at credible tips from two different sources that the FBI in coordination with the FTC is planning to raid at its central Texas command center as possible payback for attacking Obama and the Democrats. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/24/2015
On this Thursday, September 4th edition of the Alex Jones Show, the Holy See urges Congress on a number of progressive issues, from accepting the immigrant waves affecting the US and the EU, to recognizing the “environmental challenge we are undergoing.” We also look at how the European immigrant crisis shows no signs of slowing down, as some warn it will only increase in days to come. On today's show, we also discuss Obama's blocking of a conservative teen on Twitter who criticized him, and the media's continued mainstreaming of pedophilia. Vatican researcher and Illuminati insider Leo Lyon Zagami joins the show today to analyze how the Jesuit Pope promotes the new world order, one-world government agenda. And the lead researcher for, Dane Wigington, also breaks down evidence on why he believes government weather manipulation may be to blame for the wildfires and drought in California. - Watch now