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Friday: The Alex Jones Show. Obama: ‘There's Little Difference Between Communism And Capitalism’
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/25/2016
On this Good Friday, March 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Obama’s claim there’s “little difference between communism and capitalism” and how Hillary Clinton is willing to release the secrets of Area 51 but not her transcripts of speeches given to megabanks. We also look into the growing trade deficit between the U.S. and China, and economic expert Peter Schiff discusses our economic downfall. Financial forecaster Harry Dent also reveals why the greatest crash of your life is just ahead. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/15/2016
On this Friday, January 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover Donald Trump’s free showing of the Benghazi film, 13 Hours, in Iowa and his attack on open borders. Other stories include famed professor Noam Chomsky’s accusation that Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aiding the Islamic State, and coverage of last night’s GOP debate between Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the other Republican contenders. On today’s broadcast we talk with trends forecaster Gerald Celente and financial analyst, stockbroker, author, and one-time Senate candidate Peter Schiff about the economy and the melt down of stock markets around the world. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/04/2015
On this Friday, December 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage into the San Bernardino shooting, particularly how the Obama administration is letting radical jihadis into the country while attacking Americans' Second Amendment rights. Reporter Joe Biggs also reveals what the media's not telling you: secret Muslim compounds are popping up all across the country, many of which promote Sharia Law. In other news, the Dow Jones plunged 300 points yesterday, and joining the show is financial expert Peter Schiff who explains what the Fed is up to next. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/06/2015
On this Friday, November 6 edition of the Alex jones show, we cover the latest legal trouble for Hillary Clinton, who signed a non-disclosure agreement acknowledging the mishandling of classified information was a criminal act that would jeopardize national security. John Lott of joins the broadcast to break down the statistics that show more guns equal less crime. Also, financial expert Peter Schiff covers why millions of Americans are not working as the participation rate hits a 38-year low. you don’t want to miss today’s show! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/28/2015
On this Friday, August 28th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the waves of illegal immigrants flooding Europe, as the continent struggles to take on thousands fleeing their own countries. We also look at the Financial Times' anonymous call to abolish cash, and the global move to usher in a cashless society. On today's show, we also look at new undercover films exposing McDonald's and Tyson Food's factory animal cruelty. Financial analyst Peter Schiff joins today's show to discuss the European migrant crisis, China's roller coaster stock market rebound, and other financial news. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/25/2015
On this Monday, August 24th Worldwide transmission of The Nightly News, Financial Press were still pretending it was a “correction” last week. Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and others all warned this would happen. Also Random Black on White violent crimes called "The Knock Out" game becoming a violent disturbing trend. - Watch now