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Nightly News
Date: 09/10/2015
On this Wednesday, September 9th, 2015, edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson covers: Trump: Bring Syrian Migrants Here”. German Schools Order Girls Not to Wear Short Skirts to Avoid Offending Muslim Migrants. Trump: We have to accept Migrants here because they’re living in hell in Syria. Ailing Nation: Half of us adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Food Babe: The shocking email from monsanto: Why I am submitting a FOIA request. "Freddie Gray Family's Huge Payout”. Gun owner of america endorses Ted Cruz for president. Baltimore Mayor admits $6.4M Freddie Gray payout was to prevent more riots. feds threaten to kick miners off the land to expand area 51. Athletes play lawless race card. J.D. King - "Filmmaker Exposes Environmental Polar Bear Hoax" - Watch now