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Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/24/2014
On this live, worldwide Sunday, August 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a massive amount of breaking news from across the globe. The White House is ramping up its rhetoric against Russia as tensions between East and West continue to escalate over the situation in Ukraine. The CIA-trained Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is quickly gaining territory in the destabilized Middle East and the UK announced today that British Special Forces are present in Iraq. In domestic news, a Democratic State Representative from Iowa said the U.S. should give citizenship to illegals or otherwise they will become terrorists. This is simply the latest in a series of bizarre propaganda used to promote the expansion of the Democratic voting base. Alex also takes your calls to hear your take on today's broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/20/2013
On The September 19, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson Hosts & Interviews David Seaman Creator & Host of Rise Morning Show. News Covered: ALEX JONES WITH LATEST ON PHARMA PSYCHOPATHS. Matt Drudge and Alex Jones: 17-year Old Bloggers. MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims. FEMA Region 3 drill, Special Rports: ROTHSCHILD PARTY 1972 & Oathkeepers Harassment - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/19/2013
On The September 18, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Ernetta Hosts & Interviews George Hemminger. News Covered: Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting scene. Media Buries Psychiatric Drug Connection to Navy Shooter. Navy Yard Shooter Security Clearance Oversight Not Credible. How To Obtain A Govt. Security Clearance. Starbucks CEO says guns not welcome in stores. Revealing Pictures From 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/08/2012
Alex Jones analyzes a JP Morgan Chase ad that was in heavy rotation over the Thanksgiving holiday that is meant to sell the idea that the mega-bank is the backbone of America, and closely tied to its dream. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the predatory institution, along with the other 'Too Big to Fail' banks that received bailouts, have used corporate welfare to sellout the nation, ship jobs overseas, reap profits on money lent from the Federal Reserve at zero interest, while saddling huge debts upon the people through the larger derivatives scheme. - Watch now