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Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Workplace violence? Let’s just call it what it is, because we can. At the bare minimum, the coordinated massacre that just took place in San Bernardino was a jihad. As was the 2009 massacre that occurred in Fort Hood, ABC reported "Attorneys for the victims of the 2009 Fort Hood massacre said that the alleged shooter's admission that he gunned down his countrymen to defend the Taliban proves that the assault was a terrorist attack and not, as the government has implied, "workplace violence." - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 12/12/2015
On tonight's Friday, December 11th 2015 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, New information reveals terrorist Tashfeen Malik tried unsuccessfully to contact multiple Islamic militant groups in the months leading up to the San Bernardino attack, according to officials. Additionally , Syed Farook, may have had ties to a jihadi recruiter who was convicted last year in connection to a 2012 terrorist plot, and that both he and Malik were reportedly planning an even deadlier attack in California. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 12/08/2015
On tonight's Monday, December 7th 2015 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, President Obama advocates no fly no gun buy. Meanwhile it is revealed that 72 DHS members are on terror watch list, then a look back at pearl harbor after that how terror attacks are used to suppress internet freedom and Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the San Bernardino murders. - Watch now