Channel: All
Nightly News
Date: 06/01/2016
On this Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Social media giant team up to fight hate speech in the name of security. Then what happen to the libertarian party after that the war between the press and the politicians. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/31/2016
On this Monday, May 30th of the Infowars Nightly News, we bring the best and worst of the Social Justice warriors. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/20/2016
On this Friday, May 20th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, leftist news outlet Salon sinks even lower by permitting a video produced by their resident pedophile, Todd Nickerson, explaining how he masturbated over a 5-year-old girl. And the battle over bathrooms heats up across the country, as a new editorial in the Charlotte Observer advises girls overcome their "discomfort" with seeing male genitalia in the locker room. On today's show, Clinton insider Larry Nichols discusses Hillary's problem with sealing the Democrat nomination, in addition to Trump's incendiary comments on rape. In the third hour, we'll also speak with Blaire White, a transgendered female online activist who advocates for men's human rights. We'll also continue breaking down comments from the pope comparing ISIS to Jesus, analyze developments on the downing of EgyptAir Flight 804 and take your calls on this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/10/2016
On this Monday, May 9th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, As million of students prepare to graduate they will be bombarded by liberal speakers at a rate of 6 at every one conservative. Then what you need to know about Brexxit. After that how will people react if someone of the wrong gender walks into the privy . And social media doubles down on steering public opinion. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/28/2016
On this Thursday, April 28th, 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Rafael 'Ted' Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as his running mate, as the rest of America seems set on a Trump/ Clinton rivalry. We'll break down the GOP frontrunner's foreign policy speech, in which Trump castigated Obama and political rival Clinton for advancing the foreign policy objectives of the establishment. Meanwhile, a former prosecutor predicts the legal case over the death of a Baltimore teen could spark riots if a white officer is not indicted. On today's show, Coast to Coast AM radio host George Noory discusses the elections, geopolitics and more. Political commentator and social activist Mark Dice also joins the show to break down his latest video showing Americans pledging to ban cash, the Beyoncé video controversy and more. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/29/2016
On this Sunday, February 28th transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the warning given by Trump insider Roger Stone concerning the Republican establishment's plan to run Mitt Romney if Marco Rubio fails. We also continue breaking down the widening attacks on Donald Trump, and look at Hillary's big primary win in South Carolina. On today's show, we'll also air special reports illustrating how liberals fantasize about a Trump assassination, look at the ongoing EU migrant crisis and take your calls during this global broadcast. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/24/2016
On this Wednesday, February 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s demand white Americans “recognize our privilege” and “ practice humility” as the racist group Black Lives Matter makes increasingly outrageous political demands. We also examine Trump insider Roger Stone’s accusation that he was banned from CNN on the orders of Clinton. Other stories include the death of the dollar as other nations trade in rival currencies and the weaponization of democracy. On today’s broadcast we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/22/2016
On this Thursday, January, 21st, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, the good people of Flint, Michigan find out the hard that there truly is poison in there water. And breaking down a pro Obama meme. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/13/2015
On this Tuesday, October 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover how the Jeb Bush campaign used a paid staff member pretending to be a feminist to attack Donald Trump at a campaign event. CNN, of course, is running with the fake narrative despite the lie being exposed by both the Conservative Treehouse and the Drudge Report. Anthony Gucciardi also explains the lies you've been told your entire life, what you can do personally to fight the system and how people are now too scared to even hold conversations with strangers in public due to political correctness. Behavioral scientist Gad Saad reveals the agenda behind political correctness and how radical feminism threatens free speech. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/07/2015
On the Wednesday, October 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover Matt Drudge’s remarks yesterday during a surprise visit to the Austin, Texas command center, including his warning that the corporate-controlled “internet ghettos” of Facebook and Twitter are demoralizing users and stifling ideas. We also look at Roseburg, Oregon residents who are protesting Obama’s effort to politicize the mass shooting in their town and the refusal of shooting hero Chris Mintz to meet with the president. Democrats are so desperate to push through legislation restricting the Second Amendment they are suggesting a shut down of government. On today’s worldwide broadcast we talk with financial newsletter writer and author Harry Dent. His The Great Depression Ahead appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/22/2015
On this Tuesday, September 22nd transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we look behind the scenes of the massive illegal immigrant crisis in Europe as reports surface of rapes by Muslim men and accusations that Turkey is behind the human tidal wave that has resulted in a crisis for the European Union. We also look at further developments in Syria as Russia continues its military buildup in the war-torn nation and Western nations talk of direct military intervention. Other topics today include the stationing of new nuclear weapons in Germany against Russia and the disturbing explosion of death threats against Donald Trump on social media. On today’s broadcast, we talk with Diamond and Silk, the North Carolina sisters who stand for the silent majority. Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson made headlines in August when their Youtube video in support of Donald Trump went viral. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/04/2015
On tonights Thursday, September 3rd edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Hey Congress! You're Fired! The most powerful corporations and special interest groups always hedge their bets by buying BOTH sides of the aisle. That way they always win regardless of which party holds the majority! So many people believe that if "their" party was in control, everything would be better. WRONG! Shock Video: School Girls Adverse Reactions to HPV Shot Video appears to show widespread adverse reaction to Gardasil vaccine. And Operation Dump The Trump Report: Donald Trump may fold under pressure and Sign GOP Pledge Precluding A Third-Party Run. - Watch now