July 24, 2018
Video Archives
DeepState Insecurity: Clearance Threat for Intel Shills
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Partisan hypocrites are whining about Trump’s threat to remove the security clearance for the intel community coup plotters. The same people who suborned dragnet spying on the public without warrants in violation of the Constitution & let these people commit public perjury without punishment, now say it’s a sign of a “banana republic”. Then, Eric Peters exposes the crony socialism of Elon Musk & how the EPA is used as a tool to soft ban non-electric cars. And, Alex Newman on the EPA’s conspiracy with the UN, the State Department & the National Security Council to continue the controls of the Paris Climate Agreement that Trump shut down.
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Date: 07/23/2018
For years America’s elite have flaunted their sick practices in front of the public, but they may finally see justice after being exposed by the alternative media in a way the mainstream wouldn’t touch. Roger Stone tears into deep state crony, and radical Islamic convert John Brennan, and the fake Russian Collusion narrative. And finally, Infowars is vindicated again with Jake Lloyd’s prediction that Trump would use the Iran situation to bring a comprehensive peace plan to the middle east. - Watch now
Date: 07/23/2018
Trump’s Iran Ultimatum - President Trump told Iranian President Rouhani to never threaten the United States again or he would suffer consequences "few throughout history” have ever known. Trump stressed the Iranian leader to “be cautious” in his all-caps ultimatum that was a response Rouhani’s "mother of all wars" comment. Joining today’s show is writer and mindset activist Mike Cernovich discussing his fight against the darker side of the entertainment industry and the hypocrisy of the establishment media. - Watch now
Date: 07/23/2018
New DNA modification techniques can rapidly age mice and reverse the process. Medical miracles can have a downside as vaccine scandals panic China & the government moves to censor reporting. As moves are made to remove hemp (not a drug, no psychoactive properties) from drug prohibition, plastic straw prohibitions, fines & jail time are rapidly popping up. Then, Obama & Brennan are doxed as conspirators and the pedo-jokes of Hollywood aren’t funny but a harbinger of the rise of pedophiles as yet another protected class. And, Bernie Sanders’ old wine socialism is being put into the new wineskins of SJW’s (Socialist Juvenile Warriors) like Ocasio-Cortez & David Hogg. Will it destroy the socialist demagogue party? - Watch now