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British police have warned the public that merely watching the James Foley beheading video may be a criminal offense under terrorism legislation, a draconian escalation that threatens to create an ominous pretext for the free flow of information on the Internet. Lee Ann McAdoo breaks down the latest way our liberties are being threatened. Not by ISIS. But by the government.
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Date: 08/21/2014
Reporters under attack in Ferguson,Missouri. This was the first indication that the federally funded goons were serious about their aggressive stance against the United States Constitution. ATTENTION police in Ferguson, Missouri and all federally funded goon squads foaming at the mouth to take our rights. The First Amendment states:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. We the people recognize these acts as nothing short of treason against the law of the land that you swore an oath to uphold. You are collaborating with a foreign enemy and you WILL be held accountable. - Watch now
Date: 08/21/2014
The Texas grand jury’s indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry is political persecution and is a danger to all who wish to live in a free society. NPR and other democratically funded media outlets are leaving out key information as to the actions that led to this leftist-led indictment. Rick Perry refused to fund the office of the Travis County DA after the she was caught driving under the influence back in 2013. This public servant refused to step down after pleading guilty to DWI. How can a DA possibly be expected to uphold the law when they do not follow it? Infowars has been very critical of Rick Perry in the past, but this is a clear case of overpaid public servants on a witch hunt. - Watch now
Date: 08/21/2014
Jakari Jackson reports from the federally funded chaos creeping into the United States under the guise of police protection. The Police State beta test has begun. Infowars brings you clear evidence that the only real problem in Ferguson, Missouri is the tear gas throwing, rubber bullet wielding, unconstitutional acts of treason against the American public for expressing their First Amendment Rights. - Watch now
Date: 08/18/2014
Once again the mainstream media is caught blatantly lying to the people of America. In an article posted by Fox2Now the Ferguson, MO riot police, who viciously singled out reporters, are portrayed as heros instead of the dangerous thugs that they are. Luckily Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson was in the area where Al Jazeera America were shot at with rubber bullets and tear gassed, to get a first hand account of the St. Louis County Police intentionally and violently singling out reporters. - Watch now