September 05, 2014

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Devil Nuke Plant Will Be America's Chernobyl.

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The long forgotten, yet recent disasters of Chernobyl and Fukushima have not swayed the opinion of the American public to brace themselves for the very real and present danger sitting on our western coastline. Infowars reporter Jon Bowne investigates the details surrounding the ill fated Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant on the coast of California. Its history of incompetence and looming destruction will astound even the most casual viewer.San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, California’s other source of nuclear energy is currently being decommissioned due to the failure of updated steam generators resulting in a small radioactive leak largely inside the containment shell. This facility was riddled with employee reticence due to the backlash of retaliation by their superiors related to reporting safety concerns.

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