June 09, 2013
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Alex Jones From London with David Knight.
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On the Sunday, June 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex files a concluding report from the Bilderberg conference in Watford, England. He talks about his BBC appearance earlier today that took the staid British media by storm. Prior to the interview, Jones confronted at the BBC studio Bilderberg member and UK Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls who has broken the ministerial code by taking part in a secret lobbying meeting. Also on today's worldwide broadcast, Alex covers the PRISM scandal, the National Security Agency's massive surveillance grid, and deftly breaks down the serious implications for liberty and our cherished constitutional freedoms as the mega-snoop program delves into the minutest private details of our lives. David Knight of Infowars Nightly News hosts today's show from Austin, Texas. David Knight of Infowars Nightly News hosts today's show from Austin, Texas.
The Alex Jones Show
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