September 12, 2013
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Thursday: The Alex Jones Show. Putin's Op-Ed Calls In To Question The Notion Of American Exceptionalism. Plus, Exclusive Interview With Widow of F.B.I. Murdered Ibragim Todashev - Acquaintence of Boston Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
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Today on this guest-packed Thursday, September 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers Russian President Vladimir Putin's unprecedented New York Times op-ed in which he stated that the evidence points to the al-Qaeda Syrian rebels being responsible for the chemical attacks in Syria, not the Syrian Army. Putin also emphasized that outside countries have fueled the conflict by supplying weapons to the extremist opposition. Ron Paul's former congressional chief of staff and author Lew Rockwell joins the show to discuss these latest revelations on the Syrian civil war. Reni Todashev, widow of the late Ibragim Todashev who was shot and killed by a FBI agent while being interrogated about the Boston Bombings, also joins the show to talk about the motives the FBI had for confronting Todashev in his home and the cover-up of what happened prior to his death.
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