October 15, 2013
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Obamacare Website Designed As Vast Personal Information Harvesting Machine With Actual Healthcare A Secondary Concern.
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On this explosive Tuesday, October 15 worldwide transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex is confronted with news that confirms his fears: the threat of civil unrest is rising. Massive rioting, on the scale of the 1992 Rodney King riots, may occur if the electronic food stamp system crashes again. Intelligence officer and survivalist author James Wesley Rawles joins the show to assess the rioting threats and how Americans can prepare themselves and their families. Alex also welcomes back William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot whose recent interview with Fox News, including his revelations on the Benghazi embassy attack, was edited down to mere seconds by the network. Alex covers it all and takes your calls.
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