January 06, 2014
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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. Has Fukushima’s Radioactive Wave Already Hit California? Pls, Health Officials: ‘No Concern’ Over 500% Increase In Radiation Levels On Cali. Beach.
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On this unprecedented Monday, January 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reveals that Fukushima's radioactive ocean plume may have already hit America's West Coast. A man with a geiger counter took radiation readings at a beach near San Francisco and discovered that the radiation is over five times the normal, safe limit. As we revealed last week, the Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, a compound that protects the human body from radiation poisoning, yet the government has yet to declare an emergency. Ian Garland, a gun dealer who got caught up in Operation Fast and Furious, joins the show to disclose the true extent of the ATF gunwalking cover-up and the Justice Dept.'s immense corruption.
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