February 17, 2014
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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. Despite Warnings, US Power Grid As Vulnerable To Attack As Ever. Plus, College Students Fail To Name ANY Amendments In Bill Of Rights.
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On the Monday, February 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones takes a deep look at how globalist frontman Obama is tailor made to withstand and deflect any amount of negative criticism, able to brush it off simply by labeling the opposition “racist.” Alex also breaks downJ.P. Morgan Chase's decision to restrict cash deposits, Congress refusal to act on NSA reform legislation, and the fact that the military is training right in our own backyard to confront Americans on U.S. soil. On today's show, David welcomes the lead singer for metal band Korn, Jonathan Davis, to discuss how media and television rely on degrading imagery to influence and manipulate the population, simultaneously normalizing decadence and debauchery. Also on today's show, WND contributor and author of A Nation Forsaken: EMP: The Escalating Threat of an American Catastrophe F. Michael Maloof joins us to analyze the cause and effect of recent attacks on various power facilities throughout the U.S., and the escalating threat of war.
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