September 16, 2014
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Urban Outfitters Glamorizes Kent State Massacre.
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In a tasteless move, the retailer auctioned off a "vintage" Kent State University sweatshirt, complete with faux blood stains and tattered edges. The company says they had no intention of alluding to the tragic events of the Kent State Massacre.
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Date: 09/19/2014
On this powerful Friday, September 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the possibility that the vote for Scottish independence was rigged to keep Scotland in the United Kingdom. Also, the current economic boom is likely a bubble as stocks like Twitter appear to be overvalued and the ultra rich rush to buy gold. And, no surprise, the banksters behind economic bubbles are also behind the climate change agenda which only leads to a neo-feudalist society where people are heavily taxed in dense cities with few, if any, property rights. On today's show, radio broadcaster and pastor Chuck Baldwin exposes a massive corruption case which is now developing. - Watch now
Date: 09/20/2014
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Date: 09/18/2014
On this Thursday, September 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the deteriorating situation overseas as President Obama eyes arming Ukrainian neo-nazi militants following his victory in convincing the House to pass legislation to arm the jihadist Syrian rebels. Then, Alex will be joined by Dr. Edward Group to discuss ways in which people can boost their immune systems as Ebola and other health issues continue to spread across the globe. Alex will then examine multiple issues including Benghazi, ISIS and the NSA with Robert David Steele, a former Marine and CIA case officer. - Watch now
Date: 09/19/2014
On this September 18, 2014 of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts another must see broadcast. The Barnett Formula Explained, My funding formula for Scotland is a 'terrible mistake', Lord Barnett admits. The REAL Reason Britain is Freaking Out About Scottish Independence. #DECLASSIFY: CAMPAIGN TO REVEAL THE 28 CENSORED PAGES OF THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT. Congressman Jones: "Arming Syrian rebels will be a total failure". HOUSE APPROVES PLAN TO ARM AND TRAIN ISIS TO FIGHT ISIS. Apple will no longer unlock most iPhones, iPads for police, even with search warrants. Apple Looks for Chinese Police Link – for Its Payroll. Experimental Ebola Vaccine Tested On Humans. Ebola survivors' blood sold on the black market. Breaking—CDC whistleblower: “I’ve stopped lying.” - Watch now