October 02, 2015
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Friday: The Alex Jones Show. Human Hybrid’s And The Pursuit For Eternal Life
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On the Friday, October 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Obama goes for broke in his push for gun control, issuing a lengthy anti-gun rant politicizing the incident before the body count was even in. We also look at an Air Force veteran who had a licensed concealed carry gun but was prevented from intervening in the shooting yesterday, and a former security guard's comments that the college's lockdown procedures were a “death trap.” Investigative journalist and bestselling author Annie Jacobsen joins the show today to discuss the uncensored history of DARPA and military experimentation using soldiers. Also today, Peter Schiff breaks down developments in the economy, with the latest jobs report showing a dwindling labor market. We'll also your take your calls on this worldwide transmission.
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