October 06, 2015
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Matt Drudge: Unfiltered, Live From The Infowars Command Base
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On this Tuesday, October 6 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, the Umpqua Community College shooter may have been taking psychiatric meds, according to reports, anti-depression drugs connected with numerous other mass shootings. Meanwhile, anti-gun critics, including Obama, seek to capitalize on the tragedy, despite the family of a student shot in the college vehemently opposing gun control in favor of armed guards. On today's show, we also break downCNN's efforts to push the gun control agenda and confiscation, and also look at the porous US-Mexico border where the top cop in Texas says ISIS may be infiltrating. Special guest Matt Drudge also stops in to discuss the state of the Internet and social media.We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission.
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