January 28, 2015
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Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. DAVOS 2015: The Rich Openly Fear The Majority. Plus, Cracking Pretty Good Privacy With Legendary Hacker Captain Crunch.
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On the Wednesday, January 28 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Jones breaks down why economists and other wealthy policy makers at Davos are fearing the prospect of Ferguson-style riots should an uprising of the poor caused by wealth inequality. Alex also discusses Facebook's move to censor images of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, as the Obamas display reverence for Saudi Arabian royalty, and also breaks down the TSA's latest plan to browse travelers' social media profiles. On today's show, Alex talks with John Draper, the legendary hacker known as “Captain Crunch” for his phone phreaking antics, about the NSA's capability of cracking PGP, the Snowden revelations, as well as the mystery behind the Sony hack. Draper wrote the first word processor of the Apple II.
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